Linda the mother. You sound like this Jamaican school teacher
Linda the mother.
You sound like this Jamaican school teacher out here. We are having fun with Rubens would you like us to have fun with you instead?
Relax Rethink Redirect OK! do you have a site with a picture.
We need some entertainment out here. How many kids do you have anyway?
Linda Linda Bella Belle.
Claudy next to me wants to know if you like younger man you see we are frustrating him! We talk about important issues too. We had a bit on the IMF, child abuse, women issues and anger management.
So that next month we can talk about love and poetry.
Do you gals and guys only want to talk about Haiti?
Here is our girl Rihanna! bye mother Linda bella belle!
The topic is: Qualified Teachers or Electricity for the mass
This is a reply to Msg 5937
Posted by Lionne on January 31 2008 at 8:11 PM