Republic of Port au Prince is the key problem
Jean Murat Dantilus says...
As member of the diaspora community, i would like to advise our goverment to decentralize the country to move ahead of 204 years of dependency.
too bad most politicians in haiti is more concern to secure an american visa than to work for the development of our dear haiti.
until now most haitian do not or cannot even have an id card to prove their haitian citizenship.
make it possible for haitian to have their id card in the area where they live. make it possible for all haitian to have an iqual opportunities in the development of the country.
each commune should have their own autonomy.
Posted by Jean Murat Dantilus on January 31 2008 at 6:51 PM
Messages in this topic
Hi, I am glad another fellow Haitian is still talking about decentralization. We also need to bring in some historical perspective so we don't feel too bad about ourselves as Haitians. Antenor Firmin did much to decentralize the country. President Ma > >
Rubens F. Titus, 1-Feb-08 12:36 am
Dear Mr. Dantilus I believe that your advise is innovative, all good for a positive change for the country we both loved and cherished.However,making such a deductive of the Politicians seemed a little bit harsh. As a member of the 10th Departm > >
Zopovin, 2-Feb-08 4:03 pm
Brother Zopovin, let us start working on a diaspora plan for Haiti. We need a plan in order to achieve any objective. You merge your ideas with mine. We discuss. We look for supporting evidence. We look at the experiences of other countries. We may e > >
Rubens F. Titus, 2-Feb-08 5:28 pm
Rubens; what I'm about to say to you will be nothing new to you; we discussed the same issue many times before and have consistently disagreed on it. You always think that individuals alone can change things, and I always tell you that individuals ca > >
Linda, 3-Feb-08 3:14 pm
Vous pouvez discuter ce sujet jusqu'a ce que vous deveniez bleus sur le visage mais rien ne va changer en Haiti. Trop de coquins, fripouilles, mechants. Trop de gens ignorants. Ils transforment le pays en un grand marche et village Africain.. Ils ne > >
Monsieur Lev Que, 3-Feb-08 4:45 pm
It is time for us to put an end to the talking and act, by forming a comite that will collect fund fron all of us in this blog and buy this machine to id the haitian people, most especialy the haitians in the Batey in Santo Domingo. We need to act no > >
Robert P Toussaint, 3-Feb-08 6:32 pm
Robert, I don't think I recognize you. And this impulsive person who is pretending to be you cannot fool someone who has been blogging with you for nearly a year. The real Robert would never sound so careless and planless. For example, the real Rober > >
Linda, 3-Feb-08 6:55 pm
Linda & all: Yes we agree to disagree. A nation is made of individuals that can certainly make local changes. The objective is to harmonize local changes in order to achieve an impact at the national level. Frankly, I am not refuting your belief that > >
Rubens F. Titus, 3-Feb-08 9:02 pm
Ok. Tell more about that machine. How much is it costing? What is gonna do? I am willing to contribute. > >
Rubens F. Titus, 3-Feb-08 10:23 pm
Hello there, I'm coming on at the end of this conversation, so I.D to what end, and for what purpose?. > >
Edzo, 3-Feb-08 11:06 pm