Mr. Toussaint, Je ne questionne pas la credibilite d'un...
Rubens F. Titus says...
Mr. Toussaint, Je ne questionne pas la credibilite d'un chercheur et scientifique haitien comme Mr. Mathurin.
Je suis plutot souciex de la naivete de plus d'un que notre Haiti est finalement sauvee a cause de la decouverte des gisements rentables de petrole.
Beaucoup de nations degorgent de petrole dans leurs nappes souterraines cependant la majorite leur peuple croupisse dans la misere.
Ne vous faites pas d'allusions, l'oiseau mechant a deja considere le petrole d'Haiti comme leur. A moins que Dieu fasse un miracle pour nous, le peuple Haitien ne beneficiera jamais de l'exploitation de ce petrole d'Haiti.
Cependant, j'espere que j'ai tort et que vous avez raison
The topic is: Qualified Teachers or Electricity for the mass
This is a reply to Msg 5859
Posted by Rubens F. Titus on January 29 2008 at 11:41 PM
Messages in this topic
Linda, Yes I am aware of private companies generating electricity and selling it back to the state of Haiti but they are illegal. There is no law that legalized their existence on Haitian soil that I am aware of.(sorry I had to put that out there). I
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Rubens F. Titus, 29-Jan-08 11:25 pm
Hi Robert; it's always a pleasure to read you. I don't doubt that this can be done, I just wonder if it will indeed benefit all or at least most Haitians like the oil in Dubai or Qatar benefited their citizens. In Qatar, since the discovery of oil,
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Linda, 29-Jan-08 11:36 pm
Mr. Toussaint, Je ne questionne pas la credibilite d'un chercheur et scientifique haitien comme Mr. Mathurin. Je suis plutot souciex de la naivete de plus d'un que notre Haiti est finalement sauvee a cause de la decouverte des gisements rentables de
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Rubens F. Titus, 29-Jan-08 11:41 pm
Rubens, I never said that what was going with the electricity was a good thing. I was just stating some facts. As for the phone system, you are wrong. Only Haitians who have wealth have phones that actually work.And I use the term "work" with caution
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Linda, 29-Jan-08 11:50 pm
Linda et Toussaint, je ne pense que vous ne connaissez l'Haiti que je connais." Vous suggerez qu'il faut satisfaire les besoins primaires du peuple avant de l'instruire.." Je pense exactement le contraire: instruire le peuple et il satisfera son prop
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Rubens F. Titus, 30-Jan-08 12:01 am
Rubens, it is a cop-out to start attacking people just because they don't agree with you. Stating that Robert and I don't know Haiti as well as you do just because we have a different opinion than you on what she needs is a sign of weakness; it is a
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Linda, 30-Jan-08 12:11 am
I tend to agree with Rubens. Nigeria is a perfect example of a country rich in oil and the majority of the population still live in porverty, the government is profiting while their health is deteriorating. Shell has a partnership with the government
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Lionne, 30-Jan-08 2:31 pm
Hi Lionne (hope I got it right this time). I actually posted a message that was similar to Ruben's point on wealth and oil. So I agreed with him on somethings. Robert and I disagreed with him on his statement that education should take priority over
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Linda, 30-Jan-08 2:54 pm
Hola Linda: I understand your point, but I can't talk, because I am a hell cat sometimes, and I have a tendency to tell people off, just to have the last word. But I am learning from everybody. My sister did not help things last year either. I would
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Lionne, 30-Jan-08 3:06 pm
Hello old blogger friend...........................................................
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Linda, 30-Jan-08 4:17 pm