With what money? 1. Privatizing EDH may bring $15-20 millions...
Rubens F. Titus says...
With what money?
1. Privatizing EDH may bring $15-20 millions or more or a bit less. 2. Renegotiate early wireless companies use-of-the-spectrum contracts - could bring another $20millions or so. 3. Appeal to the Haitian diaspora.4. And finally start chopping the hands of those who embezzle public money.
Frankly, God did not create money.
He created resources.
Haiti has a bit of enough resources to get the ball rolling.
You do not need a billion dollars in cash to jumpstart the Haitian economy; just a little cash influx in the right spot, just a catalyst.
The topic is: Qualified Teachers or Electricity for the mass
This is a reply to Msg 5859
Posted by Rubens F. Titus on January 29 2008 at 8:46 PM
Messages in this topic
Rubens; I cannot believe that you actually said this. We are in the year 2007, and you want a problem as crucial as national electricity to be put on the back burner. The basic needs that have to be met for a modern nation to function are, in order o > >
Linda, 29-Jan-08 2:34 pm
With what money Monsieur Rubens Titus? Will you create a non profit organization in the United Stated designed to collect the necessary funds to allocate to such projects? > >
Maurice, 29-Jan-08 7:53 pm
Hello Robert Toussaint, selon Dieusel Anglade du Bureau des Mines en Haiti des recherches supplementaires seraient necessaires pour confirmer l’existence de petrole en Haiti. Cependant si notre pays possede des riches gisements de petrole, ce... > >
Rubens F. Titus, 29-Jan-08 7:58 pm
With what money? 1. Privatizing EDH may bring $15-20 millions or more or a bit less. 2. Renegotiate early wireless companies use-of-the-spectrum contracts - could bring another $20millions or so. 3. Appeal to the Haitian diaspora.4. And finally start > >
Rubens F. Titus, 29-Jan-08 8:46 pm
I think you're right on this Rubens. If history is testimony to reality than the poor of Haiti will not benefit from any of this. Actually, Haiti will not benefit from it. Only a handful of people will reap the benefit--as always, mostly government o > >
Linda, 29-Jan-08 9:07 pm
Linda, I did not say to put electricity on the back burner. I said to privatize electricity distribution while keeping electric generation state-owned. I am not putting it on the back burner. I am proposing an effective and efficient solution. to th > >
Rubens F. Titus, 29-Jan-08 9:08 pm
Rubens, I look at human progress as basic survival needs needing to be met first and the rest later. Education is part of the rest. It is necessary for progress, but only after the necessary needs have been met. Necessary needs include water, food, s > >
Linda, 29-Jan-08 9:43 pm
Allo Ruben, ne pense tu pas que Mr.Anglade ne peu pas se permetre de declarer l'existance du petrol officiellement?. C'est la charge du president du pays de faire de telles declarations. et d'annoncer les programmes de developpement en vue. Dans le > >
Robert P Toussaint, 29-Jan-08 9:51 pm
Yes, Linda tu as raison. Il est necessaire de satisfaire les besoins primaires d'un peuple avant de l'instruire, la raison pour laquelle il ne vous ecoutera pas s'il a le ventre vide. Le president Preval apres avoir signe l'accord pour l'exploitation > >
Robert P Toussaint, 29-Jan-08 10:16 pm
Non, Linda, en 1804 nous avons fait l'histoire et acquis notre Independance. Maintenant nous faisons a nouveau l'histoire et nous entrons dans "l'ERE NUCLAIERE" Etant donne que nous possedons un gisement d'uranium allant de Jacmel jusqu'a Jeremie, il > >
Robert P Toussaint, 29-Jan-08 10:34 pm