1631. I heard that speech before and I am not worried about

1631. I heard that speech before and I am not worried about whether work is being done or not at Peligre Dam. what concerns me is what is the most beneficial for my country based on economic analysis and efficiency.

Is it more beneficial to Haiti to privatize EDh or is it more beneficial to keep EDH as a state owned and state managed entity?

We need a clear and truthfull answer to that question.

And we need to build a consensus.

The state of Haiti needs to give up the idea it has to be the one to resolve every crisis in the country.

Why should the state of Haiti keep throwing money at a failing project such EDh when others are willing to take the risk?



The topic is: Cheap Electricity For Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 5862
Posted by Rubens F. Titus on January 29 2008 at 8:24 PM