Rubens; I cannot believe that you actually said this. We are...
Linda says...
Rubens; I cannot believe that you actually said this. We are in the year 2007, and you want a problem as crucial as national electricity to be put on the back burner.
The basic needs that have to be met for a modern nation to function are, in order of importance, 1) drinking water, 2) food (this is usually through agriculture or employment.
These first two are always together and they are also know as the basics needed for life sustenance.
Now the next steps are needed for any society that claims to be part of the twentieth and twenty first century.
1) housing.
2) roads, 3)electricity.
These meet the basic needs of modern human society.
Education is a whole different story.
It is only needed to meet a social need. Of course in the modern world it makes the difference between who climes the social latter and who doesn't, who becomes involved in their countries well being and who doesn't..
It provides us with future leaders, doctors, lawyers, and many other desirable things for a society, but it does not meet a basic need. Furthermore, how many students will not be able to do their work because they have no electricity, how many universities will not be able to hold courses because there's no electricity.
In the age of the computer, what's an education without the ability to use one...and so one and so forth.
Did you know that in many countries in the world, a person cannot build a house in an area where water and electricity does not exist.
The topic is: Qualified Teachers or Electricity for the mass
This is a reply to Msg 5859
Posted by Linda on January 29 2008 at 2:34 PM