About Oil Drilling in Haiti

Claude says...

I wrote about some of the problems with oil drilling under a separate heading..

Chavez has inspired millions of Latin Americans and Caribbeans.

He kept his commitments to the urban and rural poor. Instead of re-injecting oil profits into the oil industry, he invested them in projects aimed at combating illiteracy, malnutrition, diseases and other social ills. Rather than declaring huge dividends for investors, he sold discounted oil to those who could not afford to pay the going price.

He earmarked a portion of oil revenues for Cuba so it could send medical doctors to impoverished areas in Latin America (Cuba has a lot of doctors).

Furthermore he enacted laws for the rights of indigenous people and the establishment of Afro-Venezuelan Curricula in public schools.

My point is a lot of good can be done with the right leader and the billions that oil production might generate.

Haiti would do well to look closely at those examples before accepting bribes and giveaways behind close doors and loans while those foreign companies raped our resources and may cause environmental disasters.

The future andf its people is not for sale..

We need leaders who will negotiate the best deals for Haiti.

Not one inch of Haiti should be for sale. We earned that slice of real States by our sweat and our blood, plus we paid 90 million gold francs for it. Haitian should rent for a 99 years period the land to all foreigners who intend to build resorts in Haiti like they do in Mexico..

The topic is: Malebranche Astre Brillant Fils de l'aurore
This is a reply to Msg 5560
Posted by Claude on January 7 2008 at 4:41 PM

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Correction: Veuillez lire "ne fait peur a personne" et non (ne fait pas peur personne) > >
J R Me Alain, 6-Jan-08 9:50 am
Monsieur Alain, vous avez tout dit. C'est tellement stupide de la part des ignorants de notre peuple que de hair tous ceux qui ont fait l'effort d'apprendre. Cela me rappelle Firmin hai de son temps et a qui on a prefere Nord Alexis. Malebranche Nn'a > >
Jacques Kavana, 6-Jan-08 1:34 pm
I wrote about some of the problems with oil drilling under a separate heading.. Chavez has inspired millions of Latin Americans and Caribbeans. He kept his commitments to the urban and rural poor. Instead of re-injecting oil profits into the oil in > >
Claude, 7-Jan-08 4:41 pm
Claudy or Ninie please do not use our e-mail address for anything. Thats probably why none of you are answering the telephone. Get your own or we will notify your father. > >
Lc, 8-Jan-08 12:09 pm
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