Claude, I really like your approach. We spent too much time on...
Steven says...
I really like your approach.
We spent too much time on bitterness, and tearing each other apart than focusing on the real issues.
Me Mercier was the very first person to reply in a negative way when Mr Malebranche was asked in a very courteous and polite way to make himself more accessible.
Me malbranche initially did not object to that suggestion.
And Mtr Mercier all along the nasty debate never intervened to calm either side. Anyway, let forget about them, for awhile.
We do not want to go back that path again, since Mr Alain recognized that Mr Malebranche, who I believe is innocent of these vulgarities, may have made some mistakes.
Let's go back to your interesting point about the pros and cons about having oild refineries in Haiti.
Where this oil is coming from?
Abroad or from our shores, islands etc?
Is there any oil in Haiti?
How much?
We may know a few answers to these questions, but we may come with documentation from reliable sources.
to discuss the problems in a way that make sens.?
I am with you on the oil question.
Do you think it would be better to talk about this under a new topic, and not under "Mercier is Behind This Malbranche Debacle " or " Malebranche Astre Brillant fils de l'auirore".?
WE must be sure that the posts are short and clear so everyone can participate.
This is my personal opinion.
I'll see you soon.
The topic is: Malebranche Astre Brillant Fils de l'aurore
This is a reply to Msg 5555
Posted by Steven on January 6 2008 at 2:33 AM