Mark I do not believe that is enslaved mentality. It is very

Mark I do not believe that is enslaved mentality.

It is very true and degree does not have anything to do in our discussion.

It is true my friend we are not ready for the simple reason we do have a big boss who dictates us what to do. Washington or uncle Sam is telling us how to lead our nation particularly in Haiti the us ambassador is the president of the nation.

before any decision is made in the palace the us ambassador must ratify it. When francois duvalier was the dictator of Haiti an us ambasador did not dictate him what he must do. he told them how to behave in his own country.

Now you also said that onself is the problem.

Aristide came he did the same thing.

He and his friends and family enriched themself and took off. No one so far investigated and aked for anything.

In a democracy system what would happen is Aristide and his crookeswould be in jail by now.
Including abuse of power, power hunger, selfish ect, when it comes to the people ...

The topic is: haitians overseas need to serve their country
This is a reply to Msg 5393
Posted by Dr. Bernadin Fleurima on December 30 2007 at 11:56 PM