We were not sure what to do to get you that information, so...
Linda says...
We were not sure what to do to get you that information, so I'm glad you posted this. I figured that if you were still interested, you would let me know. 'll call her tomorrow and have her get in touch with you right away.
This is a reply to Msg 5238
Posted by Linda on December 16 2007 at 9:30 AM
Messages in this topic
that would be just fine. if she would like to send an email addres or i could send her mine, let me know. thanks. > >
Mch, 7-Dec-07 3:48 pm
hello linda, just to let you know i appreciate your efforts and i am still looking for your reply. if you prefer you can contact me directly at machairst at aol.com...regards mch > >
Mch, 16-Dec-07 12:04 am
We were not sure what to do to get you that information, so I'm glad you posted this. I figured that if you were still interested, you would let me know. 'll call her tomorrow and have her get in touch with you right away. > >
Linda, 16-Dec-07 9:30 am