Why Does Haiti Have 20 Ambassies?

Flo says...

Haiti cannot feed its own people, cannot educate its own children, cannot afford health care for its people.

Cannot afford garbage processing plants.

Cannot afford new roads.

Cannot afford Electricity plants.

Cannot afford water desalination plants.

Haiti cannot afford decent houses for the poor. Yet Haiti is PAYING FANCY SALARIES to government employees and ambassadors and their staff in countries that do not even trade with Haiti.

What can Haiti possibly benefit by having SO MANY EMBASSIES in most of the following countries: * Haitian Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, * Haitian Embassy in Nassau, Bahamas.

* Haitian Embassy in Brussels, Belgium.

* Haitian Embassy in Brasilia, Brazil.

* Haitian Consulate in Montreal, Canada.

* Haitian Embassy in Santiago, Chile.

* Haitian Embassy in Bogota, Colombia.

* Haitian Embassy in Havana, Cuba. * Haitian Embassy in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.* Haitian Embassy in Paris, France.

* Haitian Embassy in Berlin, Germany.

* Haitian Embassy in Rome, Italy.

Haitian Embassy in Jamaica, Jamaica.

* Haitian Embassy in Tokyo, Japan.

* Haitian Embassy in Mexico.* Haitian Embassy in Panama.* Haitian Embassy in Madrid, Spain.* Haitian Embassy in Taipei, Taiwan.* Haitian Embassy in Washington DC, United States.* Haitian Consulate in New York, United States.

* Haitian Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela.

A total of 20 Ambassies while children are living in the street.

People do not have electricity and running water.

Haitians would do well to ELIMINATE ALL THOSE BLOODSUCKERS and start from scratch.

Posted by Flo on December 13 2007 at 8:22 PM

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You are so right about this Flo. This says a lot about the present government...same old same old. Thieves seem to always find their way to the Haitian government. When will that poor nation catch a brake. There was a time the thieves had the decency > >
Linda, 13-Dec-07 10:46 pm
Are you saying that because you are poor you don't need relationship? What are you saying really. What is the purpose of an Ambassy? Haiti should be connected to the entire world if it where possible.Life is a journey in relationship not management o > >
Louinel Jean, 14-Dec-07 7:32 am
Sans vouloir contredire votre interpretation de la question des embassades, je ne pense pas qu’il soit absolument dommage qu’Haiti en ait autant. Sans vouloir me faire passer non plus pour un apotre du concept de la globalisation qui, a mon... > >
Jean-benito Mercier, 14-Dec-07 11:03 pm
Flo is gone. As I agreed with what she said in the post that you are addressing, I will try to respond for her. I have neither the time nor the inclination to put detail in my answer (that was Flo’s specialty), but I will give you a broad idea of... > >
Linda, 15-Dec-07 11:22 pm
Flo is gone. As I agreed with what she said in the post that you are addressing, I will try to respond for her. I have neither the time nor the inclination to put details in my answer (that was Flo’s specialty), but I will give you a broad idea of > >
Linda, 16-Dec-07 10:29 am
Je partage votre avis sur la question des ambassades haitiennes. Elles sont utiles, d'une facon ou d'une autre. La question devrait etre formulee sur leur utilite et le but de leurs existences. Meme quand on aurait pas aucune connaisance en science > >
Frere Jean-ba, 17-Dec-07 12:19 am
Hello Frere Jean-ba. I thought it best to use a direct quote from one of our suffering Haitians to answer your post. This is from a blogger named Norline Brutus, and it was posted on 12/13/07. She was in great emotional distress because of the way Ha > >
Linda, 17-Dec-07 3:46 pm
Regardless of the many difficulties facing our native country, she's admired and has the respect of many nations the world over. The embassies are necessary for foreign governments to communicate among themselves. Of course, you already know that. So > >
Ed Gauvin, 18-Dec-07 11:08 pm
You are deluding yourself. Haiti is the laughing stack of the international community. The beggar of nations. Haitians are disrespected everywhere they go. Nothing seems to work down there on that island. Perhaps you should read Malbrance"s post. All > >
Philipe, 20-Dec-07 2:28 pm
Ed, I'm not sure if your post was a reply to my last one on this subject, but if it was than it seems that my previous post had already answered your question, "where are you coming from?" I get that you are an avid Preval supporter, but if that was > >
Linda, 20-Dec-07 3:06 pm
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