Let's focus on Haiti please

Ayisyen Patriyot says...

I have noticed that people have fallen into nonsense.

Haiti is screaming for help. NO JOKE. NO CURSE.

No self-serving, annoying, vicious, and bragging speech please.

Let's see what we can do for Haiti.

I can start at a local level from Here, in the US in our communities to the local people that you personally know that need help in Haiti.


I also think it's time to ask the president: "When is the "tete-lang" between him and the zenglen is gonna be over"?

This is ridiculous: Enough is enough.

Posted by Ayisyen Patriyot on November 4 2006 at 9:07 AM

Messages in this topic

I am so glad that now there is an international court to prosecute political leaders who think that they are untouchable by law after torturing and murdering and raping their own people who voted them into power! Hopefully, one of these days, the In > >
Claire Mirat, 4-Nov-06 2:25 pm
Well let's hope that the international court really goes after these criminals. It makes me sick to see that some leaders think that they don't have to abide by any moral standard.For too long crimes, and corruption have plagued Haitian governments. > >
Vansky1804, 5-Nov-06 1:00 pm