Rubens, again you are not carefully reading what the other...
Linda says...
Rubens, again you are not carefully reading what the other person is saying.
Harry Joseph's post on the success of one individual helping his nation actually goes with everything that you have been saying that Haitians should be doing individually.
And yet you chastise him. Harry and I most times have been on opposite side of the argument, so I'm not replying for him because I have any particular preference for him as a blogger.
And although I think his post on individualism and progress is inspirational, I don't agree with the premise.
However, even though I don't agree with him, I still thought the story was beautiful.
You on the other hand do have the same opinion as Harry--at least in that post. But you can't even see it because you didn't listen with care. I'm not writing to chastise you, but it just seems to me that you could be so much less aggressive towards people who are actually thinking the same way you are if only you took the time to carefully read the posts.
You have many great ideas, but you are unable to really open your mind to others who don't think the same as you do. People who can't listen to others make horrible mistakes that they could have avoided if only they had heard what other people were saying to them. Furthermore, people who can't hear different opinions can't grow intellectually or spiritually.
I think that I've written to you about this before.
Try not to jump out of your skin when you read this. Try to keep you ego in check, and see if there's any truth to what I'm saying.
This is a reply to Msg 4962
Posted by Linda on December 2 2007 at 9:24 PM