Mr. Joseph. My apology. Nations advance through sacrifice and...
Rubens Titus says...
Mr. Joseph.
My apology.
Nations advance through sacrifice and selfless contributions by its people toward its betterment.
What my beloved Haiti needs is for all her children to get involved born overhere or overthere.
There a gazillions of ideas and plans already published on Haiti- some are good and some are useless.
What Haiti needs is participation and action, enough ink already.
Yes, the ancestors that gave their lives on November 18th 1803 did live behind families, wealth, and what not. But the cause of freedom not only for them but specifically for all of us today not living in bondage was too noble to use any excuses.
I have a family also but I fight and die for my country gladly.
You mention you have no family living in Haiti so maybe you're not that concerned.
Fine. I heard that before.
My love for my country has nothing to do with relatives still living at home, it has everything to do with who I am and what my ancestors left me.
I owe my freedom to the blood of my ancestors first and foremost; I don't owe it to any other nations.
They can brainstrom me all they want; I just wanna see my country get better and I couldn't careless who makes it better and how they make better or if they stole my ideas and vision.
Wyclef is a celebrity.
Celebrity makes lots of charitable contributions.
We thank Wyclef for the love toward his birthland and his SACRIFICE.
But Wyclef is not the solution; solution is massive involvement from all who can contribute.
Otherwise, it is a waste of time.
This is a reply to Msg 4948
Posted by Rubens Titus on December 2 2007 at 4:10 PM