FLO, I know that every concerned Haitian citizen is on the...
Boje Lwijan says...
FLO, I know that every concerned Haitian citizen is on the edge nowaday.
Giving what has been occuring in our country; the fload of bad news, this is understandable.
However, I suggest that you try to channel your anger in an other direction.
Stop telling me whom I was on the blog, that I no longer am. Stop your assumptions! It's evident that I do not share your Christian fanatical, crazy ideoligal BUSH its assesments.
Yes I believe in VODOU.
Christianity is a slaver drivers' religion.
There is nothing you can do about this belief of mine. Maybe if I were in Haiti, you would organize your fellow congregationers, to have my head on a plate just for bulking your whites' dictated, fabricated, manipulated, managed religion.
You even pay attention to my writing style, educational level being compared to others?
How pittiful of you self proclaimed educated fool! If you were born here, or have been living here since childhood, wen't to school, you are able to express yourself better in your adored masters' language.
That's not my priority, the little ability to express myself in their tongue, is what it is. You sound like a fool with time to waste or an old lady going through menapause.
This blog does not belong to you, I believe it was intended for everyone sharing their thougthts, concerns, ideas, advises, suggestions, discussions, opinions about our Haiti cherie.
& that's what I believe I tried to do to the best of my ability.
Yes, in discussions people will bump heads, being corrected, seeing disagreements, suggestion being offered.
That's what it's all about madame, du choc des idees, jaillie la lumiere.
It seems like you enjoy making enemies on this blog, with people you don't even know in real life, and probably will never know, now that you have been expressing yourself like a psychotic zealous Christian similar to Gerry Falwell.
Why wasting your time and ours doing that?
Unless you can go back to my previous posts, and bring quotes indicative of my persecuting other posters on the board, you don't have a case. & since this is not your blog, I reserve myself the right to respond to any post on here, including yours, past or future.
& there is nothing your grumpy old self can do about it.
This is a reply to Msg 4935
Posted by Boje Lwijan on December 2 2007 at 11:22 AM