All you have said about countries such as France, the United...

Greg Peters says...

All you have said about countries such as France, the United States, the Dominican Republic and other countries isolating Haiti, raping Haiti, stealing from Haiti, giving Haiti a bad reputation and so forth is true. The Bible says that the meek will inherit the earth.

That means that the Haitians and all other Africans or other people that have been are being persecuted will inherit the earth.

There is no doubt in my mind about that. But for the present you cannot allow other countries who hate you simply because you are black and you have beaten them for your independence bring your spirit down. What they are trying to do is to prove white surpemacy and prove that blacks are stupid, violent and cannot rule themselves.

They are trying to prove that blacks need whites to bring order in a black country.

Do not allow this to happen.

Blacks are very well capable to govern themselves.

If you study ancient "true" African history, you will see people such as the true black Egyptians and Ethiopians were powerful, ruled themselves and had many inventions.

Blacks throughout history contributed to the world enormously.

Even the Bible talk about Africans.

The Black civilization started having problems 400 years ago when the French, the English, the Spaniards and the Portuguese introduced slavery.

Unfortunately that slavery mentality is still having effects on many blacks today.

All I am saying is that you have to stay positive and keep working for change in your country.

P.S. La Navase island is Haitian territory by law. The United States just took it because the Haitians were not using it. La Navase is not very big. I believe only 4 square miles.

However, it has essential minerals on it. It is worth a lot of money to pharmaceutical companies.

What Haiti has to do is to file a lawsuit in international courts against the United States for the ownership of La Navase.

Haiti should win this very easily because it is Haitian land. After Haiti wins, Haiti needs to sell the island to the United States for say 300 million dollars.

I say sell it because Haiti does not have the technology to mine the island on the behalf of the pharmaceutical companies.

Remember I was saying that Haiti needs to set up basic infrastructure on Tortuga island.

Well this is an opportunity to get the money needed to get Tortuga going.

However, Haiti should not just stop there because we do not know how long it would take in international courts to get the issue resolved.

Therefore, my plan to get 10% of the 2 billion dollars that the diaspora is sending to Haiti yearly should be the main plan to raise money for the Tortuga project.

Haitians are not thinking.

You need to present the plans to the Preval administration.

The diaspora of Miami, New York, Montreal, France etc...

need to organize and have their voice heard and present those plans.

The plans I proposed are feasible.

Some say that my plans are revolutionary.

Yes they are! Toussaint and Martin Luther King were revolutionaries.

You just have to be able to convince people to do it. You have to make noise in the Haitian media to get things moving.

Wake up!!!

The topic is: Tortuga Project - THE Solution for Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 4877
Posted by Greg Peters on November 28 2007 at 4:22 AM

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Hi Greg, i like your ideas. I had similar ideas about the island of La Gonave, i thought about getting Donald Trump etc. to built resorts and casinos on the island. Then, by curiosity today i started to read people's posts and i ended up reading your > >
Djakut, 26-Nov-07 8:12 pm
Hi, Thank you Mr. Peters for your concern toward my beloved Haiti. Certainly, Wyclef is great patriot and we thank him every day for showing true love for the land of his ancestors. However, I am afraid you fall also into the same category of well-in > >
Rubens Titus, 26-Nov-07 10:46 pm
Hi, By the way, how many Haitians actors are starring in that movie. Why isn't Fabienne Colas playing the role of Toussaint's mistress; Fabienne is our great hope. Thanks > >
Rubens Titus, 26-Nov-07 11:47 pm
I had a similar idea to develop the island of la Gonave as a tourist resort independent of whatever might be going on in Haiti ( not as elaborate as yours of course) But you are missing one major point here: with so many mediocre thieves working in t > >
Flo, 27-Nov-07 4:31 pm
All you are saying is very true. My advice to all Haitians diaspora and natives is to unite and be positive. You have to come together and work as one. I believe that it is possible to soften ignorant people and help them love their people and the > >
Greg Peters, 27-Nov-07 5:19 pm
Haitian actors would be nice but that is the least important issue. The main issue is to expose Haiti to the world. Most people around the world are not very well educated and do not know world history. They do not know the importance Haiti played > >
Greg Peters, 28-Nov-07 3:40 am
All you have said about countries such as France, the United States, the Dominican Republic and other countries isolating Haiti, raping Haiti, stealing from Haiti, giving Haiti a bad reputation and so forth is true. The Bible says that the meek will > >
Greg Peters, 28-Nov-07 4:22 am
Hello. Thank you for responding to my message. I am glad to see that you care about Haiti as well. A little bit about myself: I am a retired entertainment promoter from New York City. I now live in the Dominican Republic (at least half of the ti > >
Greg Peters, 28-Nov-07 5:53 am
Hi, a few quick essential points for historical accuracy. Haiti only occupied DR under J-P Boyer for only 22 years and the Dominincans invited Haiti to take over ( yes they invited Haiti in) as protection against Spain. So, they need to check their o > >
Rubens Titus, 28-Nov-07 1:45 pm
Rubens, there is nothing else to say. The problem is now fixed. > >
Djakut, 28-Nov-07 5:32 pm
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