Tortuga Project - THE Solution for Haiti
Greg Peters says...
Posted by Greg Peters on November 26 2007 at 1:12 PM
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Rubens, there is nothing else to say. The problem is now fixed. > >
Djakut, 28-Nov-07 5:32 pm
Hi Greg, i think you're right about everything, i think we went to court before and won the case, except we never did anything with the island until we lost it again. Let's hope that Preval pays attention to us. > >
Djakut, 28-Nov-07 5:41 pm
Not that I am saying I think any of Greg's plan is a bad idea, sadly it's not realistic that people are going to donate that kind of money. Trust me, they won't!!! I feel that a better solution would be to get coroporations, such as Hilton, Hy > >
James, 28-Nov-07 6:47 pm
I agree with you James in part. Haitians will never donate money "directly" to get Tortuga island going to benefit the rest of the country. It would take a really united Haiti to do that. The type of Haitians that were enslaved before 1804 who had > >
Greg Peters, 29-Nov-07 5:55 pm
Greg, I check that box every year, I donate $3.00 to the Presidential Election Fund. Yes it can be done and it is possible, but it would take a group of wealthy people who were willing to 'invest' the money for an eventual return and the gratificati > >
James, 29-Nov-07 7:44 pm