Hi, Linda I did not know you had a sense of humor LOL Do not...
Rubens Titus says...
Hi, Linda I did not know you had a sense of humor
Do not let any bad Haitians get on your nerves
That's too much!
This is hilarious!
That's too much!
The topic is: dans 25 jours qui viens ........
This is a reply to Msg 4846
Posted by Rubens Titus on November 24 2007 at 5:52 PM
Messages in this topic
I wrote you a message before, you might have read it but not understood it. I noticed that you don't speak English very well, and I wanted to make sure you got the most important part of what I wrote to you. So, although I don't write as well in Fre > >
Linda, 24-Nov-07 3:04 pm
Hi, Linda I did not know you had a sense of humor LOL Do not let any bad Haitians get on your nerves That's too much! This is hilarious! LOL That's too much! > >
Rubens Titus, 24-Nov-07 5:52 pm
Hi Rubens, In life there are people you discuss things with; there are people you argue with, than are are people like this guy that you just wish never existed. > >
Linda, 25-Nov-07 1:13 am
Je ne comprends pas? Quelque chose va-t-elle arriver en Haiti dans 25 jours? Quelque chose d'ensanglante? ou revolutionnaire? Les gens qui continuent a faire la meme chose maintes fois et s'attendre a un different resultat sont consideres comme de > >
Flo, 28-Nov-07 12:00 am