dans 25 jours qui viens........
Keco Le Revolutionnaire says...
Haiti dans le noir et de sang....
Posted by Keco Le Revolutionnaire on November 23 2007 at 5:28 PM
Messages in this topic
What a sad individual you are. You smell of horror and horror never leads to anything positive for anyone. Have you not had enough of our Haitian brothers blood on each other's hands. What exactly is a person like you made of. You can't possibly be m > >
Linda, 23-Nov-07 9:08 pm
I wrote you a message before, you might have read it but not understood it. I noticed that you don't speak English very well, and I wanted to make sure you got the most important part of what I wrote to you. So, although I don't write as well in Fre > >
Linda, 24-Nov-07 3:04 pm
Hi, Linda I did not know you had a sense of humor LOL Do not let any bad Haitians get on your nerves That's too much! This is hilarious! LOL That's too much! > >
Rubens Titus, 24-Nov-07 5:52 pm
Hi Rubens, In life there are people you discuss things with; there are people you argue with, than are are people like this guy that you just wish never existed. > >
Linda, 25-Nov-07 1:13 am
Je ne comprends pas? Quelque chose va-t-elle arriver en Haiti dans 25 jours? Quelque chose d'ensanglante? ou revolutionnaire? Les gens qui continuent a faire la meme chose maintes fois et s'attendre a un different resultat sont consideres comme de > >
Flo, 28-Nov-07 12:00 am