here is what a regular guy has to say about islam

Flo says...

That medieval head cutting, stoning women, lusty men pedophile religion needs a make over! Touloulou! last comment on this subject have a nice Thanksgiving holiday everybody.

Video1 why islam is not for me 2 the real islam revealed.

This is a reply to Msg 4794
Posted by Flo on November 21 2007 at 1:42 PM

Messages in this topic

WE NEED TO EXPOSE THESE SICK BASTARDS. Video1. about little girls genital mutilation in Africa. Muslim men made laws called charia and it's perfectly acceptable to god in their sick twisted mind to have sex with babies, little girls get married at si > >
Flo, 21-Nov-07 12:01 am
HONOR KILLINGS!!! Videos. By the way It's ok for muslim men to have sex with babies and little girls and animals in their sick TWISTED MINDS according to MUT'AH and SHARIA (Sarī‘ah) LAWS based on the Qur'an. By the way Sharia laws govern, > >
Flo, 21-Nov-07 1:04 pm
A clash of civilization between the ones who rather die than to change the SHARIA laws of that LUSTY religion where the men have 72 virgins waiting for them in paradise. Sorry to bust their bubbles but there are no 72 Houris virgins waiting for them > >
Flo, 21-Nov-07 1:22 pm
That medieval head cutting, stoning women, lusty men pedophile religion needs a make over! Touloulou! last comment on this subject have a nice Thanksgiving holiday everybody. Video1 why islam is not for me 2 the real islam revealed. > >
Flo, 21-Nov-07 1:42 pm
Hi Flo; I can see that you are taking a class on Muslim culture. However, you teacher seems to have been unclear about certain things. Let me first state that I greatly dissapprove of most Muslim traditions. However, let us not confuse those traditi > >
Linda, 21-Nov-07 6:52 pm