Flo, her name was Catherine Dunham. I believe she passed away...

Linda says...

Flo, her name was Catherine Dunham.

I believe she passed away a few years ago. She was an internationally well known dancer, who learned her most famous techniques from Haiti.

She loved the island, and like many of us, she was fooled into thinking that that giant A-HOLE and thief Aristide would do something good for it.

The topic is: NEW TOPIC AMERICAN AFFAIRS AND 2008 Videos
This is a reply to Msg 4768
Posted by Linda on November 15 2007 at 9:40 AM

Messages in this topic

Sorry folks but the CIA Video recruit cannot be pasted ( flashplayer 9) You have to move down to see the rest of the videos. Those of you who wish to become an Astronaut (Yes flying the space shuttle) you have to join the Air Force after College firs > >
Flo, 13-Nov-07 5:03 pm
Hi, Flo my only problem with the Clintons is: they were on power for 8 years, but what did they do for Haiti Cherie? nada > >
Djakut, 13-Nov-07 7:26 pm
Hola Djakut Clinton Bill helped Haiti. He helped restore Aristide back in power after he was ousted the first time. At the bequest of one black American who's name escapes me who almost fasted to death he was the president of Trans-Africa. I am not > >
Flo, 14-Nov-07 12:35 pm
All those who wish to pursue a military career or want to join to save money for college try to get the best training that you can, learn from the best. I recommend that you complete your studies first then join the military as an officer.Video1.Ste > >
Flo, 14-Nov-07 1:31 pm
Kick some butts or get your butt kick you choose. Video1 Navy Seals Training Video2 Black woman combat pilot Video3 Army special forces Video4 Military tribute "you gonna pay". Black Women For OBAMA join the revolution click: > >
Flo, 14-Nov-07 6:23 pm
Flo, her name was Catherine Dunham. I believe she passed away a few years ago. She was an internationally well known dancer, who learned her most famous techniques from Haiti. She loved the island, and like many of us, she was fooled into thinking th > >
Linda, 15-Nov-07 9:40 am