Hey Lwijan, What i was trying to say was that: white people...
Djakut says...
Hey Lwijan,
What i was trying to say was that: white people, hispanic people etc get along easily when they have to do something for their country while after 200 years we're still fighting each other.
I believe in result, for example America is America today because the american people put behind their anger when they have to do something for their country.
Example: Bush vs Gore & Kerry.
Gore & Kerry lost the election, what they did next, they bow down. They did not curse or whatever.
While in our country Manigat said bad things about Preval because he lost the election.
Another example: in 1991, Titid said to his people, when you are hungry, check with the bourgaois, if they have 2 houses, they sould give you one. Instead of saying i'm going to put jobs for you, bla, bla, bla.
Haitian People are just not good people period.
99% of the haitian in haiti are thieves.
i'm talking from experience.
But i'm still helping them no matter what. I'm spending a lot of money every month to FEED THE CHILDREN foundation to feed the children of Haiti why?
Why can we have electricity in Haiti?
Because we have "mauvaise foi", because we want to sell our generators.
Why don't the Dominaicans do like us?
No way they love their country.
Why waiting for help from others?
i don't know, but all i know, if i were president, i would tell the world, teach me how to fishing instead of giving me a fish every day. That's my point of view about Haitians.
Can we do that?
This is a reply to Msg 4681
Posted by Djakut on November 9 2007 at 1:26 PM