You got it right, brother. More and more Haitians are...
Max Johnson Fgb says...
You got it right, brother.
More and more Haitians are realizing our situation in AmeriKKKa.
The obvious question is: what are we going to do about it?
I keep on repeating it over and over again, we need to make a stand as a people.
Nobody else will do it for us.
If we don't, I bet you that, five, ten years down the road, we will be facing a worse situation.
God bless!!!
The topic is: Haitians from everywhere unite!!!
This is a reply to Msg 4667
Posted by Max Johnson Fgb on November 9 2007 at 9:03 AM
Messages in this topic
I agree with you, Linda. Although, I am not old enough to evaluate some governments, I can safely said that Haiti never had a good government since the end of the Duvalier dictatorship. Personally, I believe in action not in words. Haitians sh > >
Max Johnson Fgb, 8-Nov-07 4:19 pm
amen sister! the rich always take advantage of the illerate poor unless the elite hatians pull together and do something and even upper middle class it will always be this way and unless the island turns to GOD instead of voodoo the spirit of GOD > >
Marie, 8-Nov-07 4:42 pm
I believe it was Charlmers Jhonson who wrote the book "Nemesis the last days of the American Empire" where I read that all an adversary had to do was to fry the computer chips and America would become death and blind and their guided missiles useless > >
Fki, 8-Nov-07 5:18 pm
The fki was a typing error. Yes I am aware of the capabilities of the NSA. > >
Flo, 8-Nov-07 5:25 pm
Yes Max, Haitians are, have been easier target than the other ethnic minority immigrants living abroad. We are known as hard working, no trouble makers, in most instances. In immigrant cummunities in the US, even Caribbeaners have made it an habi > >
Boje Lwijan, 8-Nov-07 5:32 pm
Dear Marie, I appreciate your positive feedback, but the religious issue is one to take up with Flo. I DON'T MIX RELIGIOUS DOGMA WITH POLITICAL ORGANIZATION when discussing Haiti. WE DO NOT HAVE A THEOCRACY BUT A DEMOCRACY...(thinking) well OK except > >
Linda, 8-Nov-07 5:40 pm
Hi Codo. I liked what you wrote. It did provide food for thought. I'm rushing now, but will think on all your points and get back to you. > >
Linda, 8-Nov-07 5:54 pm
You got it right, brother. More and more Haitians are realizing our situation in AmeriKKKa. The obvious question is : what are we going to do about it? I keep on repeating it over and over again, we need to make a stand as a people. Nobody els > >
Max Johnson Fgb, 9-Nov-07 9:03 am
Hi Max; I'm sorry but I don't have an answer for you. I am doing what I can at the individual level, but no matter what civilians do, they really cannot accomplish much without the support of a progressive government. I've seen individual Haitians or > >
Linda, 9-Nov-07 5:11 pm
Linda, I understand your outburst and frustration. But calling the president a "drunken fool" is utterly disrespectful. Don't call people names, learn better to make your point convincingly. I don't know all the details about the reason why you ar > >
Charles St Clair, 10-Nov-07 6:20 pm