Hello Linda My answer to all your quetions are NO Please take

Hello Linda
My answer to all your quetions are NO
Please take a second to read me. First of all I will suggest that you read an article write by Mr Marc L. Bazin in " Le Nouvelliste " last week. Don't see any Bazinism here I'm far away from that, but this is realism.

I can see you are litterate, but let say you are 35 yrs old, illiterate and poor where ever you live, what do you think is the probability that you would ever become middle class?

So is Haiti nobody is capable today to give you a positive answer to any of your questions.

It's your grand parents and my grand parents fault.

Today you dont have " infrastrutures " high rate of illiteracy no natural ressouces ( what ever some of our crazy countrymen say ) so you have to deal with reality.

Which is " met kow douceman pou we sa wa jwin " in the meantime, we as civil society can run after those who are firing on us.
I'm here to brag about my background, but I can tell you I know a lot about leadership.

At 18 yrs old I was a guerillero ( nothing happen Duvalierism has continue his dstruction of what was there before ).

After years at University a couple degrees and years of experience managing 1000's people, I can tell you it's much easier to say than do. Mr Preval happen to be in a very hard situation.

I still think we should let him do what he is doing.

We dont want kind of GNB or other distubance we have been having that for 200 years, it does'nt pay. You, me and other haitian must help the government ( does'nt mean we agree with them ) to create some stability in this trouble country and must probably, we will see the end of the tunnel.

" leve bone pa fe jou louvri "
At the I'm happy to see the interest of the young generation in politics, but democracy is a long long study and the it's very base is respect for each other.

God bless Haiti, Good bless haitian people in Haiti
Thank you

The topic is: Haitians from everywhere unite!!!
This is a reply to Msg 4622
Posted by Codo on November 8 2007 at 2:58 PM