Jacques Laurent. Do you realize the insanity of what you have...
Linda says...
Jacques Laurent.
Do you realize the insanity of what you have said. We gained our independence around the same time the US gained theirs.
Now you say that it's OK for us to--today--be at the political level that they were back in the 19th century.
Does the insanity of that statement bother you on any level?
The topic is: pourquoi tous ces partis
This is a reply to Msg 4637
Posted by Linda on November 7 2007 at 4:55 PM
Messages in this topic
Jacques Laurent. Do you realize the insanity of what you have said. We gained our independence around the same time the US gained theirs. Now you say that it's OK for us to--today--be at the political level that they were back in the 19th century. Do > >
Linda, 7-Nov-07 4:55 pm
We,as haitians, need to stop looking at what other nations are doing for their peole, but we need to start worrying about our own issues. What the US has become today has not built around hatry and selfishness, but unity and respect of authorities. > >
Reginald Jean-jacques, 7-Nov-07 7:23 pm
Dans un pays ou le chomage reigne et l'opportunite n'existe presque pas, integrer la politique est une facon de se donner une chance de survivre. Creer des emplois et la politique ne paraitrait plus comme une option viable. Merci > >
Rubens Titus, 7-Nov-07 9:56 pm
Reginald Jean-jacques, you said we criticize every time something goes wrong. Well, I've patiently been waiting for anything from this president. I MEAN IT, I WOULD BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO GIVE HIM CREDIT FOR ANYTHING AT ALL. Originally, I was one of t > >
Linda, 7-Nov-07 10:06 pm
By the way Reginald Jean-jacques, why did you stop using the name Jacques Laurent? When you try and change your identity, you should go all the way, otherwise those of us who are used to blogging will be able to ID you. > >
Linda, 7-Nov-07 10:13 pm
There probably is a Jacques Laurent, but my name really is Reginald Jean-Jacques. I am sorry for the confusion. I'm new to this site. > >
Reginald Jean-jacques, 8-Nov-07 10:41 am
I am not here to tell you what the president has done for this country and neither should you.But my question to you is, what have you done for YOUR country? It is not about just one man, but all of us. Also, this country was in a total choas when he > >
Reginald Jean-jacques, 8-Nov-07 10:57 am
Linda, Do you realize that the US has YET to have a political coup in that same period? You can't grow if you're in a constant state of flux or crisis. Haiti USED TO BE democratic, albeit limited, until 1957. Papa Doc eliminated all of that and > >
Jacques Laurent, 8-Nov-07 2:22 pm
OK so you have nothing. I'm still waiting for anything concrete that you can give me to make me a believer. Chastising me will not work. That is the tactic of a coward who does not have a valuable counter argument. Again let me remind you that I sh > >
Linda, 8-Nov-07 2:26 pm
Reginald Jean-jacques, Ok, so you have nothing. I'm still waiting for anything concrete that you can give me to make me a believer. Chastising me will not work. That is the tactic of a coward who does not have a valuable counter argument. Again let > >
Linda, 8-Nov-07 2:31 pm