Hey Harvey; I and many others have posted so much about this...

Linda says...

Hey Harvey; I and many others have posted so much about this issue that I don't know which post to refer you to. Your best option is to go to the very beginning of the discussion.

It was started by Max Johnson Fgb. So if you go to the top of the post called "Haitians from everywhere unite!!!" you will see the very first one by Max. Click on that and it will take you to the very beginning.

There's been 47 responses since.

But I guarantee you that you will finish reading them all before you even notice...so upset are most people about the issue.

Good reading.

The topic is: Haitians from everywhere unite!!!
This is a reply to Msg 4632
Posted by Linda on November 7 2007 at 4:47 PM

Messages in this topic

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Express yourself. You are right Preval should make a statement. A lot of Haitians are going to loose their livelihood. I for one miss those school days when I could literally kick somebody's A.S.S. for those AIDS insults. My father thought it was th > >
Flo, 7-Nov-07 4:14 pm
Hey Harvey; I and many others have posted so much about this issue that I don't know which post to refer you to. Your best option is to go to the very beginning of the discussion. It was started by Max Johnson Fgb. So if you go to the top of the po > >
Linda, 7-Nov-07 4:47 pm
Hey Linda Posts Everything on the blog do not make the mistake of e-mail anyone anything. They get your name and e-mail address if they have a security system that warn them of e-mails from unknown sources. Anyway the person can sign up with google a > >
Flo, 7-Nov-07 4:53 pm
Thanks much Flo; I never mix my blog life with my real life, but thanks for the warning. > >
Linda, 7-Nov-07 4:57 pm
It's amazing How the 'Bayer Corporation was able to dump all those AIDS tainted hemophiliac medications on other countries and were never prosecuted for it. I would like to know how many people were destroyed due to their Corporate greed. I will nev > >
Zemi, 7-Nov-07 10:47 pm
I did not want to start a new subject but can the administrator remove from the front page that profane message about Preval you suck or ete vous le president or little worm etc. Those are not recent messages one was posted on September 12 the others > >
Zemi, 7-Nov-07 11:22 pm
when will this organize be in effect? but most importantly,how do Haitians and other organizations around the world help? we need a plan, but we also need action!!! "we are all in this together" > >
Myriam, 8-Nov-07 12:58 am
1.Racism in the UNITED STATES 2. HAITIANS RISKING THEIR LIVES FOR A BETTER WAY OF LIFE (boat People)3.Toussaint Louverture youtube.com = > >
Flo, 8-Nov-07 2:33 am
Hey, Flo! I think that you are deluding yourself if you think that you are safe from these devils. They can track exactly what computer sent what message if they really want to. The only way you can be safe is by being part of a group who fights fo > >
Max Johnson Fgb, 8-Nov-07 12:48 pm
Hello Linda My answer to all your quetions are NO Please take a second to read me. First of all I will suggest that you read an article write by Mr Marc L. Bazin in " Le Nouvelliste " last week. Don't see any Bazinism here I'm far away from that > >
Codo, 8-Nov-07 2:58 pm
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