aids/ scientists/ polio and chiken pox vaccines

Flo says...

More Videos and lies from an American Doctor ( Africa 1959 decades before AIDS broke out) Belgium Congo Leopoldville now name Kinsasha, ( Remember that's the same country the Belgium King Leopold had exterminated 10 millions Africans to reduce their population) See previous videos for more information on AIDS. Livers were collected from live monkeys.

I wonder if they are intentionally trying to wipe out the original BLACK RACE from earth.

The topic is: Haitians from everywhere unite!!!
This is a reply to Msg 4529
Posted by Flo on November 7 2007 at 2:25 PM

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GROS JEAN HOW DO WE STOP THIS...WHAT THE HELL CAN WE DO? I am one who believes in the rule of law, so I do not advocate the overthrow of this president. I also do not think more turmoil at the political level will help Haiti. Look at the mess that th > >
Linda, 7-Nov-07 10:56 am
You cannot put it a better way. It's so TRUE all the way > >
Mike N Ike, 7-Nov-07 11:01 am
Codo; What President Preval or any other president is expected to do is to lead. The first job of a true leader is to put in place the people and the mechanism that will make the country work. It is not about him doing it himself. NOW LET'S SEE HOW O > >
Linda, 7-Nov-07 11:41 am
Videos about AIDS at the end. Now, now let's be prudent. Stop blaming Preval although some believe him to be an American stooge. He is begging with a "kwi" or "calebasse" for Haiti, as one blogger puts it. Perhaps he is just politically naive, maybe > >
Flo, 7-Nov-07 12:46 pm
Oh I feel your passion and I agree with you from evey fiber in my body, sometimes i sit back and ask myself. is there something wrong with me?, I don't understand what has happened to our people, we have become complacent and have allowed ourselves > >
Andrea Cange, 7-Nov-07 1:04 pm
Hey Djakout you are so right. The whites will never stop trying to bring us to our knees because we once kicked their butts, but boy have they had help from our own people. > >
Linda, 7-Nov-07 1:06 pm
More Videos: Origin of AIDS Vaccines for Polio, Oral pills for Polio Or biological warfare? American Doctors in Africa, livers were collected from live monkeys. This is so sad. Millions of Africans in the Congo were injected. Now those same ruthle > >
Flo, 7-Nov-07 1:31 pm
More Videos and lies from an American Doctor ( Africa 1959 decades before AIDS broke out) Belgium Congo Leopoldville now name Kinsasha, ( Remember that's the same country the Belgium King Leopold had exterminated 10 millions Africans to reduce thei > >
Flo, 7-Nov-07 2:25 pm
Hey Flo; I'm afraid this time it will be you trying to keep me calm. I am so angry right now at our so called officials and all those making excuses for them that I cannot stay within the boundaries of rationality. I know that each minute I spend on > >
Linda, 7-Nov-07 2:34 pm
dear Linda, perhaps I'm a little behind regarding our news (haiti's news) but would you be kind enough to e-mail me the letter or information regarding the statement made about haiti and aids relation. Thanks Harvey Thanks Take care and i do s > >
Harvey, 7-Nov-07 3:59 pm
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