aids issues economic issues

Videos about AIDS at the end. Now, now let's be prudent.

Stop blaming Preval although some believe him to be an American stooge.

He is begging with a "kwi" or "calebasse" for Haiti, as one blogger puts it. Perhaps he is just politically naive, maybe he is now aware of the "game as old as empire" being played by Americans and Europeans.

Americans are pretty audacious to blame AIDS on Haitians when they been experimenting on hundreds of thousands of monkeys shipped directly from Africa.

Numerous monkeys could have been infected with that SIV Simian Immunodeficiency Virus.

For it is generally accepted by the scientific community that HIV is a descendant of SIV because certain strains of SIVs bear a very close resemblance to HIV-1 and HIV-2, the two types of HIV that cause AIDS. Furthermore Americans have thousands of military bases around the globe with millions of military personel.

They have numerous ambassies around the globe with thousands of personnels.

They have missionaries and peace corps with thousands of people working in countries around the globe, plus Americans travel a lot and they are more liberal about sex. Richard Preston wrote a book called "The Hot Zone" which is a true story of a filovirus named Ebola which kills swiftly and nastily 100% of the non-human primates who are exposed to it was found in a monkey house on the outskirts of Washington, D.C.(Military Lab) several technicians died and the news was suppressed.

To get back to this Gottlieb ( malicious avaricious Jew I assume) we need to find out who does he works for?

who funded his research?

find a way around this research crap to sue them. Drop Gottlieb on his a.s.s. This is what my father calls a psych ops. there is usually something more sinister in the works, that will manifest itself after the propaganda.

Write to your congressman.

Consult with lawyers with the NAACP.

Its the other way around Americans gave AIDS to Haitians, we do not have a bunch of monkeys in Haiti.

If in 1959 they were collecting African blood with HIV maybe they were experimenting on the Africans themselves.

PS: Preval needs to stop selling Haiti piece by piece to American Corporations.

The topic is: Haitians from everywhere unite!!!
This is a reply to Msg 4609
Posted by Flo on November 7 2007 at 12:46 PM