I don't believe that the Haitians can improve Haiti's ECONOMY...
Djakut says...
I don't believe that the Haitians can improve Haiti's ECONOMY without the diaspora.
First of all they're too selfish unless they open the door for the Diaspora.
The first thing they gonna say to you: ou pa tap milite, ou pat nan boule caoutchouc, so place ou pa la. Depi nan Guinen ti neg pa vle we neg. The white men get along easyly, the mulatoes too, that's why in Haiti, the mulatoes let you have the power so you can feel like you're "chief ", but in the end they're the ones making the big bucks.
This is a reply to Msg 4340
Posted by Djakut on November 7 2007 at 10:35 AM
Messages in this topic
Yes indeed, "L", I am giving an F to this guy on whose name this web site was created, and his predecessors, as well. Up until now, they all have proven that they are a bunch of ti politisyen nan kouchet, deye manman. Ti kreten ki paka rezone byen > >
Boje Lwijan, 6-Nov-07 5:26 pm
HAITI ECONOMIC ISSUES: Population (2006 census): 8.5 million ** At the end is a Video 1. that explains how the United States World Bank gives money to countries to build the infrastructure to facilitate US Corporations. Video 2 Economic Hit Men (pic > >
Flo, 6-Nov-07 8:02 pm
Another US stooge? when is this political bouhaha going to end.This Perkins video(after that long report,..please make it shorter next time) that entails US corporate greed and one of the reasons of Aristide's departure makes sense, but its only one > >
Zemi, 7-Nov-07 1:20 am
Haiti a force change of Government by the United States? IMF and World Bank are Institutions controlled by the United States. Present the videos like this next time. let people click on the videos like this: ww > >
Zemi, 7-Nov-07 1:52 am
So the IMF and the World Bank has our government and country by the throat. just like Haitians living here in the united states are living in debt, paycheck to paycheck. How do we escape being at the very bottom of the pile (The poorest country)? > >
A Regular Reader, 7-Nov-07 8:24 am
Very powerful videos.100% true! Thanks. > >
Gros Jean, 7-Nov-07 9:34 am
I don't believe that the Haitians can improve Haiti's ECONOMY without the diaspora. First of all they're too selfish unless they open the door for the Diaspora. The first thing they gonna say to you: ou pa tap milite, ou pat nan boule caoutchouc, so > >
Djakut, 7-Nov-07 10:35 am
Mon che Djakout, I wanted to bring the Haitian DIASPORAS into the mix on my next statement about how to quickly drag the country out of this dead end we find ourselves. To doors to the Haitian DIASPORAS have always been opened. The problem had > >
Boje Lwijan, 7-Nov-07 6:44 pm
Lwijan, when i said that white people or mulatoes are united, i did not mean it in that level. Let me put it that way, i have a barber shop and somebody else got a barber shop right across, what do you think is going to happen? he or she will do so > >
Djakut, 8-Nov-07 11:14 pm
DJAKOUT, It seems to me that you are freaking out, ou pindat, thinking that someone might do you wrong through Negative VODOU. This here is a social issue resulting from a lack of education from our people, & which probably won't go away anytim > >
Boje Lwijan, 9-Nov-07 10:08 am