I find it hard to see how ur people treat ur prez. I think the
I find it hard to see how ur people treat ur prez. I think the fool is the person that think a prez can be " au four et moulin" with all the say of fools.
Mr Preval is trying to take your people out ot dirts he is having his "kwi" in hands to find your food. Let the others look after so called Scientisss looking for grants talk.
Even I'm not a fan of Preval, since I am a Lavalas, Why don't you let him do what he was voted for?
Next time vote for some body else or an another party.
Case close
The topic is: Haitians from everywhere unite!!!
This is a reply to Msg 4529
Posted by Codo on November 7 2007 at 2:44 AM