Precious friends and Intelligent Haitians, Your statements of

Precious friends and Intelligent Haitians,
Your statements of outrage about Dr. Gottlieb's opinions are justified and anyone who would agree with that doctor's miscalculated views is probably as uninformed as he is.

For a doctor to make such a public statement proves that he only has a title, but that title does not fit him as an individual, however, one must remember that people and writers have their freedom of speech just like everyone else, therefore they can write and express their views without the risk of being persecuted for it.

As civilized Haitians, we must remember that our forefathers set the tone long ago for the world to witness that Haitians will have their freedom and will survive no matter who is trying to oppress them. The educated secteurs know the courage and the determination of an empoverish black nation who refused to keep their heads down while other folks enjoyed their pains, and Haitians did something about it.

Now we must prove that we will not bow and lower ourselves to that doctor's level, because he is using the Aids/ HIV issue to market himself and become popular, and he wants us to do the marketing job for him.

If we make a big deal about that issue, then the doctor has won, and has succeeded in his scheme.

Let's go back to this thought:"Le chien abroie, la caravane passe"

Being in America has thought me many things, and having learned how business is done in this country has opened my eyes in many areas.

Let us examine the attack of the doctor:
In America if someone has the financial means, he or she can market a product, an idea, a thought, a belief, and/or a philosophy etc. However, if the individual wants to go the cheap and dirty way, he or she uses a scandal or some nonsense that would cause people to go wild and make a lot of noise for him or her, and he or she ends up on every media network with all sorts of TV interviews to explain his or her ratical views (which the media loves and looks for because it sells)

Let's not give that so-called doctor the opportunity and the platform to use our beloved Haiti to make a fortune for himself with some future books and movie deals.

Let's pray to our God to be the judge for Haiti and to give us justice.The demonstrations, protests, revolt or any other means will not solve that problem.

The Haitian Medical Secteurs should address that issue instead of taking legal action may or may not prevail because of the Freedom of Speech Act.
I think the Haitian Medical Secteur should contact the doctor on a professional level and asked him for a forum in a town meeting type of approach and debate the falsehood openly.

In the meantime, the Lord wants His people to live a peaceful and modest life and be at peace with everyone as long as it depends on us.

Please, everyone do not let your blood pressure go overboard with this nonsense...

Haitians are intelligent folks, we sould not let a foolish opinion cause us to be unruly and rioty (which was not suggested by the previous writer) but rather consider that as an attack which is directed more toward being black then being Haitian.

We know that prejudice is alive and well in America and i some other parts of the world, therefore get used to it....

You cannot prevent someone from expressing his or her views even if those views hurt other people, those writers have their rights of expression.

We also have the rights to ignore their writing, ignore their TV interviews and not listen, read and purchase their published materials, and I think we should choose that route no matter how we feel about the way the injustice was perpetrated.

God bless everyone and keep the peace!!!

The topic is: Haitians from everywhere unite!!!
This is a reply to Msg 4529
Posted by J. Gerard Rhau on November 6 2007 at 11:58 PM