I totally agree with your statement...Haiti is used and then...

Myriam Louis says...

i totally agree with your statement...Haiti is used and then spat out like unwanted chewing gum...people should get their facts striaght and Haitians that can help shouldnt being hidden...

I was watching BBC news with a someone from Uganda and when the commentary about AIDS and it being orginiated in Haiti came up he looked at me...he said, "Wow, look at that, that is something new." I wanted to scream at the top of my lunges and tell him he didnt know what he was talking about and that Haiti is always used as a dumping ground for someones elses' unwanted trash...i wanted to fight back with knowledge.

I wanted to prove that researcher wrong.

The truth is, i am not the researcher, i dont know if this true or not...so...now what?

Do i take it as fact?

If my heart wont let me "take it as fact" Who changes it?

Who finds out the truth?

My country needs our help...I pray that God used me to help our country..i remain to stay in the gap until then...but in the mean time who stands up?

NOW! NOW! we need you now...step up..stand up...HAITIANS HELP YOUR COUNTRY...it's your turn...it's our turn...so fight for our dignity as a nation...

The topic is: Haitians from everywhere unite!!!
This is a reply to Msg 4586
Posted by Myriam Louis on November 6 2007 at 11:41 PM

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I totally agree with you. I'm a student at a college in NJ. I ran across several haitians refusing to speak creole saying that they are Dominicans. This makes me sick, if they knew their history they would be proud to be Haitians. I came to America w > >
Marcda, 6-Nov-07 7:50 pm
American knew exacly where the virus started, since we do not have a real leader therefor Haitians are responsible for the bad things, but guess what the thruth will come out one day. We are not affraid to do another manifestation again, we will tak > >
Wesna, 6-Nov-07 9:12 pm
Allo vous avez completement raisons, il s'agit de frustrations nous devons nous exprimer mais bien sure Mr Preval en tant que le numero UN de la Nation Haitienne c'est son devoir de repliquer face a une telle declaration raciste et idiote par n'im > >
Anwmey, 6-Nov-07 9:27 pm
I said once if Baby Doc, Namphy, Aristid and all the others were hung never had the chance to leave Haiti with the haitian's money, we would have had a chance. Now it is the chance not to let him go if he is a F.CK-UP. We should use him as an exam > >
Garry Destin, 6-Nov-07 9:36 pm
i totally agree with your statement...Haiti is used and then spat out like unwanted chewing gum...people should get their facts striaght and Haitians that can help shouldnt being hidden.... I was watching BBC news with a someone from Uganda and wh > >
Myriam Louis, 6-Nov-07 11:41 pm
dr gotlieb is so stupid.he's so dumb.it was a disease made by the white man to kill off the black population. > >
Roseline, 6-Nov-07 11:45 pm
Thanks Anwmey; I will check out the website. It is so sad how we Haitians are always on our own, without government support. Has the Haitian government even bother to issue a rebuttal statement for the American media--of course not... > >
Linda, 6-Nov-07 11:46 pm
Precious friends and Intelligent Haitians, Your statements of outrage about Dr. Gottlieb's opinions are justified and anyone who would agree with that doctor's miscalculated views is probably as uninformed as he is. For a doctor to make suc > >
J. Gerard Rhau, 6-Nov-07 11:58 pm
I came back to this blog because of the AIDS issue. Someone once told me that President Preval was a drunken fool. I argued that the man should be given a chance to prove what he can do. I now see and understand what that person meant. Only > >
Linda, 7-Nov-07 12:01 am
Dear Gerard Rhau; Have you lost your freaking mind. Why do you think other countries spend so much money on PR and damage control media handlers. The world we know today is ALL ABOUT PERSPECTIVE. A nation's international respect and prosperity, the > >
Linda, 7-Nov-07 12:28 am
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