That's why, as an educated Haitian man, I am very concerned...

Max Johnson Fgb says...

That's why, as an educated Haitian man, I am very concerned about the direction of the country.

It seems like the main aspect of the economic policy of our government for decades has been to wait for money from the white men. No initiative whatsoever to free ourselves from this new form of slavery by developing our own industry.

You know, like me Flo, that "beggars can't be chosers".

The money that the white devils "give" to the government doesn't come without a price.

As a result, the independence and integrity of the government are compromised when it comes to dealing with them.
It is a joke to say that we are an independent country when 2/3 of our budget is financed by foreign countries that don't have our best interest at heart.

Why do countries like Cuba refuse to take aid from Americans?

Why do more and more latin american countries are paying off their debt to the World Bank and the IMF?

They are realizing that these people, while pretending to be their friends, are in fact their worse enemy.

We need to wake up and start smelling the coffee.

It is time to grow a backbone.

As for racist people like that Dr. Gottlieb, if we are not ready this time, next time they will pay for it.
You can mark my words.

God bless!!!

The topic is: Haitians from everywhere unite!!!
This is a reply to Msg 4529
Posted by Max Johnson Fgb on November 2 2007 at 4:15 PM

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ALL RECENT RESEARCHES have proven that AIDS did not come from HAITI. Haitian organizations and student cultural clubs and individuals should pay for an advertisement page or columns in all the major newspapers in the United States, Canada, and Europ > >
Flo, 2-Nov-07 2:14 pm
The Haitian Government should keep a close watch on any foreign organization in Haiti that are offering free medical care. In fact they should be required to apply for a "special license" to operate in Haiti. The government should assign a few "watc > >
Flo, 2-Nov-07 2:44 pm
That's why, as an educated Haitian man, I am very concerned about the direction of the country. It seems like the main aspect of the economic policy of our government for decades has been to wait for money from the white men. No initiative whatsoeve > >
Max Johnson Fgb, 2-Nov-07 4:15 pm
Hello, brotherman fellow compatriote Let's not get carried away here; let us think like wise people. There are no white man on this planet just caucasian people. Many caucasians did help the black Haitians reach freedom: the Polish legion, the Amis > >
Rubens Titus, 2-Nov-07 11:25 pm
Hi, Flo That is not an African saying; that's a direct quote from Jomo Kenyatta himself. ""When the Missionaries arrived, the Africans had the Land and the Missionaries had the Bible. They taught how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened th > >
Rubens Titus, 2-Nov-07 11:33 pm
Even if you only have a 50 percent chance, sue Dr Gottlieb. By harrasing him with a law suit, it will prevent him and others like him from attacking Haitians in the future. Perhaps the Haitian consulate might be of some assistance to you. Try the Ame > >
Flo, 3-Nov-07 5:17 am
Nice comment Rubens. Good job bro. > >
Djakut, 3-Nov-07 11:22 pm
Hola Djakut: It's not a good idea to give your name or even something remotely close on the internet, for there are too many dangerous, treacherous individuals outthere even some hackers as well. I do not know the person that you mentioned. Have a g > >
Flo, 4-Nov-07 10:45 am
Thanks. But it was not my good name anyway. > >
Djakut, 5-Nov-07 6:53 pm
I came back to this blog because of the AIDS issue. Someone once told me that President Preval was a drunken fool. I argued that the man should be given a chance to prove what he can do. I now see and understand what that person meant. Only an impote > >
Linda, 6-Nov-07 5:17 pm
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