haiti's economy/ how to improve it!

Flo says...

Posted by Flo on October 20 2007 at 12:04 AM

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Rubens, again you are not carefully reading what the other person is saying. Harry Joseph's post on the success of one individual helping his nation actually goes with everything that you have been saying that Haitians should be doing individually. A > >
Linda, 2-Dec-07 9:24 pm
L'economie du Japon en Francais pour ceux qui ne parlent pas L'anglais. Le Japon, s'appuyant sur la cooperation entre l'Etat et les entreprises, une forte ethique du travail, la maitrise des hautes technologies et la faiblesse relative des depenses > >
Flo, 3-Dec-07 5:03 pm
You don't seem to get it, my friend : we are an occupied country. The notion that Haiti is an independent country is a myth. We are not much different from our ancesters who lived in complete slavery. The proof? Any foreigner can say anything or do > >
Grogrenn, 6-Dec-07 9:24 am
Mete pou li Linda Li merite sa. > >
Djakut, 6-Dec-07 9:37 am
Grogrenn, you did not have to coach them like that, they should know that basic. > >
Djakut, 6-Dec-07 9:38 am
Grogrenn, first let me just say compliments on your blog name. It made me smile. On the serious side your analysis is right on target. Often when I read the blogs, I find that there are so many great thinkers posting here. What you are saying goes di > >
Linda, 6-Dec-07 12:24 pm
Example pour Haiti: la Coree du Sud Developpement Trois phases peuvent etre distinguees dans le developpement economique Coreen: 1.une phase de susbstitution aux importations 2.un developpement extraverti base sur l'essor des exportations 3.la mise > >
Flo, 6-Dec-07 1:59 pm
I got no objection Flo, you're right on the track. > >
Djakut, 6-Dec-07 2:08 pm
N'ecoutez pas la propagande Americaine et les misinformations a propos du gouvernement de Chavez. L’economie Venezuelienne sous Chavez (par Luis Sandoval 29 octobre 2007): L’economie du Venezuela a connu une grave recession economique au cours... > >
Flo, 6-Dec-07 3:18 pm
I had to say something to that (je me tais) from Uranus. When I have more time I will post those 33 strategies of war and 48 laws of Power by Robert Greene, that could be used in real life, or government, or corporation.Ciao till next time. Flo. > >
Flo, 6-Dec-07 3:36 pm
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