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Linda like said I only viewed the first 2 or 3 pages before I decided to repond to this post. My apology this post is kind of old but I never nothered answering it because these things have been discussed before and as usual nothing ever came out of > >
Harry Joseph, 25-Nov-07 1:46 pm
Harry, you seem to forget that South Korea is an American poster country that is made to be successfull because the west wants to show to the communist North Korea how wonderful free market economy is. Our beloved Haiti is not that lucky. In fact, > >
Rubens Titus, 25-Nov-07 8:55 pm
Your apology to the bloggers is a big step towards getting them to listen to your idea. I tend to respond negatively when newcomers attack other members of the blog who are just trying to come-up with answers. I donaE™t respond at all to people... > >
Linda, 25-Nov-07 10:46 pm
I was in the Dominican Republic last year when I saw the news on TV that there was a big fire in an old building in Port-au-Prince. The firefighters did respond but they had no water to fight the flames!!! The Dominicans of course who are racist ag > >
Greg Peters, 27-Nov-07 6:05 pm
Once again to Peters and fellow compatriotes here, what is not mentioned is that the Haitians under Estime tried to lift Haiti's face by fixing up Belladere and the road from Belladere leading to Port-au-Prince. But the racist megalomania dominican d > >
Rubens Titus, 28-Nov-07 1:11 am
Harry, congratulations for your logical intervention. I have read Linda's posts; she is very arrogant and will not answer any question. She is good at cutting people throat and put them down. Actually, she is an imposter who switched her name > >
Nelson A. Jean-phillipe, 28-Nov-07 5:03 pm
Greg, You know some might say that Haiti has been isolated for so long that they do not realize how things are done in other countries, but I would have to refute that. A good proportion of Haiti's leaders including Preval have either studied or liv > >
Harry Joseph, 29-Nov-07 7:31 am
Man, Harry, I hear you. You are right on all points. All the millions of dollars of foreign aid, Haiti received, I wonder what they do with it. No one has seen any improvements whatsoever. No roads are being constructed. Garbage is not being pick > >
Greg Peters, 29-Nov-07 5:34 pm
Harry, I do agree with LINDA, it seems as if you had only read a very few of the statements here from posters hustllng with such a burning issue, "HAITI'S ECONOMY/ HOW TO IMPROVE IT!" And on your so well detail on South Korea's economical elevatio > >
Boje Lwijan, 29-Nov-07 6:15 pm
Again Joseph what are we doing about it. Or do we have the patriotism to get involved and make sacrifice. Or are still waiting for the leaders, the politicians and the foreign donors? Or are we sending the relatives living in Port-au-Prince back to > >
Rubens Titus, 29-Nov-07 10:27 pm