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Actually Rubens I think raising the taxes on an elite that has for years suck the life out of the population without giving much of anything back is a good idea. What I was trying to say is that if that is the only or the primary source of revenue, t > >
Linda, 23-Oct-07 1:50 am
McKenzy find yourself something worthwhile to do. Flo get lost will you, didn't you say your goodbyes a few weeks ago. You are boring and "tiring". Please try to spend more time with friends. And Jules this is a free country, I can say anything I wan > >
Xyz, 23-Oct-07 12:31 pm
Easy Flo...XYZ is a young and energetic mind (remember he/she is either still in high school or a college Freshmen). So, I agree with Ti Malice; let's cut her/him some slack for this youthful outburst. Personally, I took no offence to her distaste fo > >
Linda, 23-Oct-07 6:30 pm
I would like yo put in the president shoes, and see if you could do better. La critique est aisee, mais l'art est difficile. And you don't have to be so rude with the brothers to make your point. Chil out man. You want to expel everybody, they will > >
Robert P. Toussaint, 23-Oct-07 10:12 pm
XYZ, For all the pollyannas who ascribe this little peepsqueak's ill manner and boorish behavior to youthful exuberance, I offer this advice-when one indulges a wayward youth, you are not helping him/her rather you are giving him carte blanche to > >
Mckenzie, 23-Oct-07 11:32 pm
Thanks to Flo, Toussaint and all of you that unite against the extreme arrogance, cockiness and profound irreverence of XYZ toward our president. Disregarding XYZ political affiliation, he has no reason to address a president in this manner. He reall > >
Gros-morne Gonaives, 24-Oct-07 12:07 am
When missionaries from KIDS INCORPORATED say that government shelters were closed and forced 300,000 children to leave in the street. They rescued (100) 4years olds who where living in a drain. Those kids were at the mercy of all kinds of predators. > >
Xyz, 24-Oct-07 11:49 am
Spare us your stereotype RANTINGS. Maman and Papa arrived with university degrees and with their meager savings when that old psychopath was beginning to go bizerk. They arrived by American airlines thank you. I was born much later. They heard about > >
Xyz, 24-Oct-07 12:02 pm
Hey Mckenzie; This "pollyanna" thinks you're just as rude to all of us as XYZ was to the president. Perhaps you also should return to your mother for a refresher course in good manners and civil behavior. > >
Linda, 24-Oct-07 3:18 pm
Dear XYZ; I like your last post. I did not agree with it all, but you made some good points without getting nasty. You'll find in the future that the calmer you stay, the more points you can get across. On another subject. I have to thank you for > >
Linda, 24-Oct-07 3:39 pm