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Glad to hear about your hands-on experience with the economy. We are not familar with any of the plans you have mentionned so far. We never heard of them! Can you share with us one of these plans you talked about in your last post? Would you please e > >
Ti Malice, 22-Oct-07 2:39 am
Rubens, I do know that there is a lots of information on Haiti in the archives and in the libraries. I spent much of the past 11 years of my life retrieving and reading it. (I am not going to start a war with you on who has more college degrees). How > >
Linda, 22-Oct-07 6:34 am
I was told you and your other government Ticks(who are bleeding mother Haiti to death) have created "Dummy Corporations" in foreign banks to funnel multiple millions of dollars from Haiti to your personal bank accounts. All of you are rich for 3 gene > >
Xyz, 22-Oct-07 12:41 pm
Hey XYZ; I thought you knew that P. Preval does not read this sight. So, why are you writing to him? Stay cool my friend, dealing with the situation in Haiti is getting to you... > >
Linda, 22-Oct-07 6:50 pm
I had to vent my anger while taking a break from this term paper. The worst teachers to have are the ones with the Phd's. This particular nerd spent his entire life reading books and expects the impossible from me. I know Preval do not read this site > >
Xyz, 22-Oct-07 7:12 pm
dude or manm. you sound like an a.s.s.h.o.l.e. mr preval is the best president haiti ever had. how dare you to talk about him like that? have some respect for our leaders jack a.. > >
Jules, 22-Oct-07 10:29 pm
Hi, these are my last comments on this topic. 1. Most of the Haitian archives belong now to private collections. I personnally own a set of economic and trade reports on Haiti dating 1870 thru 1935 published by british embassies for years and years. > >
Rubens Titus, 22-Oct-07 10:31 pm
XYZ your insolence and incessant diatribe has no bound. You can say most of those things in a nicer way. You are like a bad weed in my perfect topic for the week. Take your own advice, go about your affairs.Ps: use your own thoughts and words. > >
Flo, 23-Oct-07 1:08 am
Haiti needs a broad program on education, health care, true economic and environmental sustainability, that would lead to real advances in its quality of life. Haiti can use its natural resources such as minerals,agriculture,and waters rich in seafo > >
Flo, 23-Oct-07 1:12 am
You are not getting a refund so buzz off. Nobody forced you to go to Haiti. You should not have expected a third world country to look like a first world economy. There are plenty of bad places in the United States. > >
Flo, 23-Oct-07 1:28 am