Tourisme: developpement barrieres et promotion

Fre Janba says...

Posted by Fre Janba on October 12 2007 at 3:07 PM

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I did mentioned last week your site and talked about Bassin Zim. You may look at my pots about "tourisme:barrieres and Promotion". Since You are from Hinche, do You have any pictures of Dondon' s caves, ( Les Grottes Du Dondon et de la Voute a Mingu > >
Fre Janba, 16-Oct-07 4:27 pm
No, I do not have these pictures of "Les Grottes Du Dondon et de la Voute a Minguet", I've been hearing about the grottes of Dondon since I was a kid, My grand mother is from St. Raphael but I have never seen them. If anyone have these pictures I > >
Pita Galbo-a, 16-Oct-07 4:34 pm
You said "However, it would be unfair to make a generalization of this situations." [I removed an extra 't' that was in there; hope that's OK.] I am always so amazed at how fair you try to be, regardless of the situation. I hope one day the coun > >
Linda, 16-Oct-07 4:53 pm
I am not lucky in finding any info about these famous caves of Dondon. In my research, I get this: go here from some one who visited the site. I also discovered a nice website telling us in a nutshell the histo > >
Fre Janba, 16-Oct-07 7:12 pm
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