Dear Flo, I have read your "expose on Christianity". Please...

Gerard says...

Dear Flo,
I have read your "expose on Christianity".

Please, tell me what you believe in. The expose is far from complete!!!

You come across as educated but highly misdirected.

I appreciate the effort you put in your researches, however, some of the comments you added should have been left to the readers to decide...for themselves.

I agree with you as not to confuse Christianity with Religion.

When Jesus came, most of the oppositions he faced in helping people, came from the religious leaders of His time/

Religion is not always right, since man is not always right because man decides what needs to be done in religion.

Christianity is very genuine.

Think of all the disciples that followed Jesus Christ.

Of all the 12 apostles who walked with Jesus during His ministry, only John died of old age, all the other died of horrible death.

Numerous ones were martyrs, how do you explain that?

As for me, There is not a Human being that has more value in my eyes than my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Anyone who is honestly searching to know Jesus will sooner or later experience Him in a personal way.
Jesus is such a kind and loving being, one has to be out of his or her mind to ignore His deity.

Let's just review some of the quotes of Jesus:
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life"

John 10:
"I am the good sherherd.

The good sherherd gives his life for his sheep..." " I come that you might have life and have it more abondantly.."
"Satan or Devil come to steal, to kill and to destroy.."

"The good sherherd lay down his life for his sheep"
"You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free"

On the cross, Jesus said the following words in the midst of his sufferings:
"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do"
To the dying thief on the cross, Jesus said:
" Today, you will be with me in Paaradise"
I could go on and on about the goodness of Christ.

To go back to our original talk a few days ago,
Why are so much evil and destruction and poverty associated with Voodoo?

God bless you, Flo

The topic is: Exposé on Christianity!
This is a reply to Msg 3955
Posted by Gerard on October 11 2007 at 9:55 PM

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Great! Now you have a Voudou / Zombies and Christian Expose! > >
Good To Have A Christian Expos, 9-Oct-07 12:01 pm
Here again, your expose is biased. It is contradictory. You quoted old Testament to make your point> It was you who said that the old testament was writen by iqnorant jews. You do not follow a logical point and distorted the word of Paul and Jesus. > >
Ti Malice., 11-Oct-07 9:10 pm
Dear Flo, I have read your "expose on Christianity". Please, tell me what you believe in. The expose is far from complete!!! You come across as educated but highly misdirected. I appreciate the effort you put in your researches, however, some of > >
Gerard, 11-Oct-07 9:55 pm
To one and all, I have refrained from posting because it is my estimation that this blog has been taken over by about half a dozen of psudo intellectuals who tend to pontificate on things in which they have little of no knoledge. I have in mind t > >
Mckenzie, 11-Oct-07 10:53 pm
where did you learn all these stuffs > >
Djakut, 11-Oct-07 11:12 pm
Addendum, Most of the supposed documents posted was plagiarizedrized. The name of the book escapes me, but I intend to give the author and the name of the book (s) on my next posting. Coridally, McKenzie > >
Mckenzie, 11-Oct-07 11:14 pm
I have my laptop with me and I got your message brother Gerard by checking my e-mail but I am off the blog for a while ----busy! I can tell you this my " Expose" was mainly a response to your idea of sin and salvation. I wanted to point out "how" Ch > >
Flo, 12-Oct-07 6:29 pm
Peace, Flo Why would you want to reform Voodoo? Gerard > >
Gerard, 12-Oct-07 6:43 pm
Greetings! One must not compare religion to Christianity. Christianity is derived from the name of Christ, which means: the SAVIOR or MESSIAH, who was promised by God to the JEWS of the old testament as the redeemer of their sins. Furthermore, it > >
Mardochard Louis, 12-Oct-07 10:24 pm
Dear Unknown, In your endeavor to explain with great precision your expose on the "original sin" has drawn my attention, and I can see that how careful you are indeed on pin pointing out all the detail explanations regarding this hot topic. First > >
Mardochard Louis, 13-Oct-07 1:52 pm
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