respect for one another
Guylou says...
I understand that so many haitian want to help haiti this is wonderful.
Do you know what Haiti needs the first independence black nation Respect to one another.
Do to others what you will like done to you. If you respect others you show that you respect and love yourself and by this we will diminish crime, poverty because with love we will want to help in small ways. people who want to help hait most of the time want a place in the Government that's all. Please you do not need power or a lot of money to help Haiti By giving a good advice helping someone to read and writte and develop their talent and loving the job they do we are making Haiti a better tomorow it will take time but we will getthere.
In a sense let's all stop beeing gossiping lies about other, beeing disrespectfull, unloving, unsharing,and let us recognize that someone can do better than I and let us know that I can.t do it all let us find our own gift and talent and contribute to the country, let's all stop loving power simple, honest and descent life is wonderfull after voting in america everybody goes back to their daily life they accept defeat.
we haitian we are so fanatic that we love others more than anything else ready to kill anyone for the one we agree we do not use our common sense Do you know this is more than a disease that's witchraft, voodoo, we are not loving Jehovah God first but others you know Haiti could and will be a better tomorow if we only use simple recipe of common sense what will be the consequences of my inconsequences.This goes for all haitian me included God bless you love you all Mr Prevalyou do nothave an easy taskbut putyourself on somebody else shoes you will know what to do we are all brothers and sisters.
God bless Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 16
Posted by Guylou on October 20 2006 at 9:12 AM
Messages in this topic
Premierement, je veux vous complimenter pour la conquete de l´election le 7 fevrier dernier qui vous a amene une autre fois, a la presidence de la Republique.Je vous felicite aussi pour un bon travail que vous venez de realiser a la presidence
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Herby, 14-Oct-06 4:34 pm
Frankly, I see a lot of haitians who love our country. I was talking to a person where we work together, he said: (I am going to school for Electronic/Computer Technology). So, I responded to him, dear brother, this is a good idea but don't pretend t
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Leo, 15-Oct-06 10:36 am
Rene Preval je veux te parler concernant les haitiens en argentine. la vie est tres difficiles pour eux et l'ambassade haitienne en argentine ne fait rien pour defendre les haitiens.
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Jimmy, 17-Oct-06 6:04 pm
Compatriote en Argentine Je comprends votre cri et je sais exactement de quoi vous parlez. J'etais au Perou una vez et j'ai eu des problemes et il n'y avait personne. Et nous memes a l'Ultra National nous voulons que nos missions diplomatiques n
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Yves Lonmaren, 17-Oct-06 9:41 pm
comment nous allons faire cela car nous sommes un groupe ici qui veulent mettre former une association aussi et nous avons parle a l'ambassade de nous aider aussi a prendre des formations ici juste pour aider notre pays. car haiti restera toujours n
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Jimmy, 18-Oct-06 9:52 am
I understand that so many haitian want to help haiti this is wonderful. Do you know what Haiti needs the first independence black nation Respect to one another. Do to others what you will like done to you. If you respect
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Guylou, 20-Oct-06 9:12 am
Jimmy Assez! Des problemes, nous en avions toujours eus il faut plus en parler. Le temps est venu pour parler de solutions. Le temps est venu pour entamer la grande marche nationale...Une marche qui ne s'arretera que lorsque tout haitien partout
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Yves Lonmaren, 20-Oct-06 10:08 pm
Dear To Whon It May Concern About, Mrs President Rene Preval, My comment it that,when your writer address with someone surperier there need to address with Mrs,Mr, and Ms. Specaily a President., Vice president ect..., not Ti Rene Preval no on o
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Woodlyne Millien, 19-Dec-06 7:34 pm
Dear Keen I agree with you 100% Mrs president Rene Preval it our president, Mrs Ajane's need to address Mrs, President Rene Preval (Not Ti) I don't care if you feel comfortable called him Ti, Because Mrs Rene Preval It not one of your fri
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Woodlyne Millien, 19-Dec-06 8:08 pm
don't you have anything better to do, Stop telling us how we should address that incompetent so called president. What has he done to deserve our respect. If you had been following the news you would know that kidnapping is going through the roof in
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Noel, 19-Dec-06 8:59 pm