My brother, You have to understand the value of the currency...
Jean F Moise says...
My brother,
You have to understand the value of the currency.
I think every human have the right to live within a decency
as well respect.
Understand this particular concerns most likely has to do rather Haitian people are not confrontable on their own environment.
The question is
why they continue to do that?
I believe there is a variety
of reason for that. I would like to understand how you conceived some of Haitian around you, when their social standard has failed below your spectating?
Haitian let Haiti because of misguide the code of their function itself.
however, Haitian government facing some serious challenge.
I believe human perseverance is the main factor.
(1) do Haitian people understand their situation?
(2) do Haitian people understand the core of their causes
(3) do the government understand their duty against the causes.
To test a human perseverance for change it is very complex may not be approach on simplex way.
8,000.000.000 people can't be that difficule to understand unless the environment itself pretty much destructive.
Let us understand China and the great wall
which mean "standing structure that surrounds their believes.
I believe that can use as a model in order to overcome Haitian suffering rather understand kamikazee disturbingly group ban.
The topic is: Why is everybody so quiet about double nationality
This is a reply to Msg 3786
Posted by Jean F Moise on October 4 2007 at 7:20 PM