Yes I agree with you 100% but all the criminal we have on the...
Patrice says...
Yes I agree with you 100% but all the criminal we have on the streets right now I think we need to do some thing with them we don't have an oft room in our prison to keep all of them I was thinking of recruiting to keep them off the streets just to create some kind of activity they will have time to visit family wift a restriction they wont be arm on the street like in Canada and USA .For the jobs opportunity you talking about it's not the president only who need to create the jobs. the Senators, ministers all the one that seating in the offices doing nothing but enjoying they job, having big houses, and a fat bank account they need to be creative they don't have to seat and wait for the president if they can't be creative to help the president help the country advance they need to resign the money is good but they need to work for it create jobs, built the roads, educate the people's I believe that's why a president form is cabinet with a group of intelligent mans & woman's to report to him what the have done to help the country like they said we can't eat calalou with one finger can we?
The topic is: Force Armee D'haiti
This is a reply to Msg 3546
Posted by Patrice on September 26 2007 at 2:46 PM
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Yes I agree with you 100% but all the criminal we have on the streets right now I think we need to do some thing with them we don't have an oft room in our prison to keep all of them I was thinking of recruiting to keep them off the streets just to
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Patrice, 26-Sep-07 2:46 pm
Yes I agree with you 100% but all the criminal we have on the streets right now I think we need to do some thing with them we don't have an oft room in our prison to keep all of them I was thinking of recruiting to keep them off the streets just to
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Patrice, 26-Sep-07 2:51 pm
La force armee D'Haiti C'est celle engendrant la jalousie C'est la force donnant naissance aux criminels Cette bande de regiment reste irreelle On ne doit jamais les reconsiderer dans le pays Ton point de vue parait vide comme l'infini Cette
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Robert M. St Fleur, 9-Oct-07 10:16 pm
Mon tres cher ami, Se pa le pou nou vin'n resite pwezi bo ist la. se solution n'ap chache pou peyi a. Se pou ou gade sa mesie a di a, pou we si li fe sans. Si ou te etudie economi, ou pa t'a repon sa konsa. Neg la poze yon gros question, ki mande
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Fre Janba, 10-Oct-07 2:21 am
Les 20,000 soldats pourraient etre employes par l'etat dans un autre sens; lequel de batir des maisons, travailler dans la terre et asphalter les rues. On a pas besoin d'ajouter 20,000 revolvers ou armes a feu dans les rues. Pourquoi l'armee? si l
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Robert M. St Fleur, 10-Oct-07 10:58 pm
pourquoi retourner a l'ancien systeme qui ne marchait pas?
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Djakut, 10-Oct-07 11:49 pm
Maitre St Fleur, Salut Cher maitre. Vous aviez mal interprete les paroles. de FRE JAMBA. Il voulait seulememt faire un point sur une question posee par un "compatriote". Votre aviez grandement extrapole. Votre reponse n'est pa relative a la quest
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Peralt Le Caco, 11-Oct-07 5:36 am
Vous avez essayer de repondre aux message mais je me suis desole parce-que vous ne comprenez pas premierement je vais vous expliquer une chose c'etait pas la faute de l'armee pour en etre plus claire la formation quilon recue etait une formation dans
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Patrice, 11-Oct-07 4:27 pm
Mon cher, Vous aviez pose une question d'une tres grande importance, mais un certain poete vous a ridiculisee en ecrivant des vers sans gout. Je lui ai repondu en lui demandant de prendre du temps pour analyser votre questions. Tu peux lire mon poste
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Fre Jan Ba, 11-Oct-07 7:40 pm
Ti RORO, voye pwezi monte! Ak bel pwezi konsa, nap soti nan trou! Oui, pep la nan mize, li bezwe pwezi pep la grangou, ba li pwezi jen yo nan la ri, ba yo pwezi Na expote inpe pwezi bay meiken ak dominiken, pakistane tout ansanb. Kile, met la
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Agarou, 11-Oct-07 8:07 pm
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