Reply: Thats a danm lie

Les Jeune D Haiti says...

Kenny J:

You still remember the guns firing and the deads in the streets.

But you forget the Blue Uniform and the symbol "VSN".

Some Military personel were both Military and VSN.And you really need to make the difference clearly.

People who are criminals are criminals.They do not become criminals because they belong to a group or an organization.

Aristide has never been a member of the Haitian Army, but he is one of the most notorious criminal who is no different than a "Michel Francois or even a "Barbot".

You have seen the guns firing in the streets, but we, in Haiti have felt the bullets of the "Chimeres and the U.S.G.P.N or the ADS(Aristide Death Squad).

You have mentioned that the police needs more funds to become more professional.

You really do not understand how corrupted Haitian officials are. The Police has enough money to do a great job. The problem is "Corruption".

When a certain amount of money is allocated for the Police Force.

The money is being diminished at every level until it reaches the PNH. And when it finally gets to the hand of the Police Force, the Police Chief has to cut several checks to pay back some officials including the secretary of interior, members of the Parliament and sometimes the President of the Republic for the position he has.This is called "Pay back for the job".And this is unfortunately the truth about our public administration system.

This is a reply to Msg 312
Posted by Les Jeune D Haiti on October 2 2006 at 12:45 AM

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The Haitian Army has made enormous mistakes. I admit that as a former military officer. However, that was not a reason to disolve a country's army. Remember the Chilean Army that killed thousands and thousands people during the Pichochet'reign from > >
Jerry, 28-Sep-06 11:39 pm
Jerry: I agree with you that the army has made several mistakes including these series of military coups(We used to have a military coup in Haiti every Saturday night, whenever there is a blackout, remember). However, I disagree with you when c > >
Les Jeunes D Haiti, 29-Sep-06 2:01 am
Well fanfan,you must be a extremely angry person.How are we feeling master? > >
Yves Binbin, 29-Sep-06 9:29 am
I agree with you. However, our army needed to remodel not disolve. The military coups were very bad and costly to our country. Do you think the Haitian Police is better than the former Haitian Army? I think that the security problem in Haiti was neve > >
Jerry, 29-Sep-06 3:18 pm
The army that Aristide did away with was responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. That army was built and trainded by the US marines to repress and control us. I know because at 22, I still remember the guns firing and the dead on the streets > >
Kenny, 30-Sep-06 1:25 am
I think now haiti need security, It is crasy now to talk about army, if the police cannot have all the necessary equipment to fifht this little gangs, where the government is going to get the money to reinstate the new army I consider this like "a fa > >
Ben B, 30-Sep-06 5:33 pm
I can feel the voice of logic in your writing Kenny. Many people talk about doing this, reforming the army that, but where will the money come from? Even though the police have not done a very good job, I agree with you that things could have been be > >
Ayisyen Patriyot, 30-Sep-06 11:28 pm
Kenny J: You still remember the guns firing and the deads in the streets. But you forget the Blue Uniform and the symbol "VSN". Some Military personel were both Military and VSN.And you really need to make the difference clearly. People who are > >
Les Jeune D Haiti, 2-Oct-06 12:45 am
Ben B: You must be outside of Haiti to see things that way. Again, here in Haiti, we do not have a police problem. When you have gunmen getting down of military vehicles in the middle of the streets in daylight and start shooting randomly milit > >
Les Jeunes D Haiti, 2-Oct-06 12:58 am
There is no army in haiti the country is falling apart and the president is just watching it happen its unsafe to be in haiti in these times we need a new president or an order of control > >
Jimmy Jean, 3-Oct-06 1:54 am
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