Shameless nincompoop
Response To A Shameless Nincompoop says...
Response to a proud Macoute:
Bother L.K. you are shameless.
You should thank you god (note that I did not say God) that the internet offers you a certain anonymity to express your squalid opinion without being made a laughing stock if you had uttered the same nonesence in person..
Let me understand, Duvalier (pere et fils) were master builders because they built many infrastructures.
In fact, the Duvaliers dotted the country with numerous schools, highways, and buildings.
Duvalier pere won a democratically held election and I gather by extension so did his son. The Duvaliers kept open many industries for the benefit of the Haitian people (and they did not benefit anything for themselves).
The Duvaliers did not kill anyone.
Fort Dimanche was a figment of our imagination.
"Les Vespres de Jeremie" did not happen.
In fact, Haiti was such a paradise that the multidutes who left in the 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's left because they wanted a change of scenery.
All told, The Duvalier dynasty was the best period in Haitian history.
To paraphrase a previous poster...
The topic is: jeanclaude duvalier
This is a reply to Msg 3053
Posted by Response To A Shameless Nincompoop on August 27 2007 at 7:02 PM