As long as you show respect and deference to Aristide and the...

Agent-x says...

As long as you show respect and deference to Aristide and the Lavalass party, I am bound to reciprocate in kind. Aristide has been a genuine patriote like Cassique Henri, Boukman, Toussaint L'Ouverture, Jean Jacques Dessalines, Henry Christophe, Charlemagne Peralta, Dumarsais Estime, Daniel Fignole, Louis Dejoie.

Those guys will never give away a piece of our territory to foreign powers in exchange for their short term or ephemeral material comforts.

Mole Saint Nicolas, La Gonave Ile A Vaches Les Cayimites are in jeopardy.

They might want a military base on the Haitian territory so they could accelerate the development of vices and drug in Haiti.

Now watch what will happen to Haiti in the next 60 months.

Our gold mines, lithium mines and uranium mine will be hand over to the Amerequins for free while they will continues to buy our mangos for a few cents a sac and resell each mango in the US for one dollar.

Haitian cadavers will be for sale to the Medical school in the USA like under Duvalier regime.

Incarcerated Americans will be able to vote during election time in Haiti.

You probably will see the Duvalier death squad returning in Haiti.

People will disappear; thousands will be killed next 12 months under the supervision of the Amerequins.

They will harass the Cuban doctors or even break diplomatic relations with Cuba under the pressure of the USA. More girls and boys will become prostitutes, homosexual and drug addicts.

I never trust people that carry weapons.

Even if the pope is carrying a weapon I will not trust him. That is why they always say that you should never trust a police even if he or she is your brother or cousin.

The topic is: The Dumbest and the most Idiotic Ruling/Vote of the Century!
This is a reply to Msg 28586
Posted by Agent-x on May 13 2011 at 3:52 PM

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My very intelligent officers faxed me this morning info regarding your credential in the Air Force. The report shows that your job description consisted of pealing potatoes in the kitchen. They had to let you go because you could not do it fast and e > >
Clean Cop, 12-May-11 4:42 pm
Go panhandling in the subways to have your phone reconnected. Mendiancite sur la voie publique Broward County FL- Tax Exempt Orga > >
Agent-x, 12-May-11 5:05 pm
Dirty Cop,you are toasted black like coal in that bunker of yours in the Pocconos :).You make my night before i go to bed. We have a bomb"bunker buster" that can penetrates down 100 feet even you reinforce that concrete of many layers of 20 feet > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 12-May-11 10:13 pm
Your technology is too primitive to harm me. in the bunker we use technology that are highly classified in Area 51. My mother is from Galaxy 7 and my father was born on earth. I am part of the world Government. I am not at liberty to reveal those inf > >
Agent-x, 12-May-11 11:44 pm
Well every country allowing dual citizenship have similar reference to their law. To be president one have to renounce to one of the nationality. Which makes total sense since, one cannot be president of a country and be citizen of another. So don't > >
Sydney Noel, 13-May-11 8:24 am
Dirty Cop,how long you and i,exchanged stupid,useless words across this blog? You know!(?) I am tired of this bad energy flowing constantly around us.Remenber you are my brother,just remember that.From now one,you are no longer a dirty cop to me. I > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 13-May-11 11:28 am
As long as you show respect and deference to Aristide and the Lavalass party, I am bound to reciprocate in kind. Aristide has been a genuine patriote like Cassique Henri, Boukman, Toussaint L'Ouverture, Jean Jacques Dessalines, Henry Christophe, Cha > >
Agent-x, 13-May-11 3:52 pm
Agent X,God forbid,Haiti is not for sale to anyone. The fact the plan are not yet in motion,but let's just keep our eyes open and denounce any activities that is not in our interest. Haitians are not like 30 years ago.We are so many with knowledge > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 13-May-11 5:04 pm
I am not against the Martelly government yet. If he manages to do positive changes to Haiti, I will be among the first one to emphasize the progress that are being made under his administration. Trust me on that. However he was handpicked by Washing > >
Agent-x, 13-May-11 6:38 pm
Agent X,time is critical and time is not in our side. We are far behind of everything in life,we most have control of our own destiny concerning Haiti. Revenge is not an option against any Haitian citizens.Agent X,face the reality like i told you f > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 13-May-11 8:49 pm
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