Tiba is a dangerous man. We told you that this Tiba is a fake

Tiba is a dangerous man.
We told you that this Tiba is a fake, a fraud and a phony "Haitian" that has a motto like the other opportunists " La patrie c'est la ou on l'on mange." People like that have a basic inherent compromise allegiance problem toward the mother land. They usually follow the monies and the food. Therefore, their action are predictable in terms of who they will side with when the enemy want to destabilize our country, undermine our values or sell the country.

We must be clear on that.
Tiba is dangerous.

The topic is: The Dumbest and the most Idiotic Ruling/Vote of the Century!
This is a reply to Msg 28567
Posted by Concerned P. Haitian on May 12 2011 at 9:38 AM