The only airplane you ever be or will be is to be under Michel...

Markess Prosper says...

The only airplane you ever be or will be is to be under Michel desk on his cockpit while Michel is busy teaching Klintonris how to play Monica's harmonica while Monica is on his Saxophone playing oulala in C bemol.This will happening after May 14th 2011 in the palais des degenerates in Port au Pecheurs.

N'est pa sa animal
Markess Prosper

The topic is: Alexandre Alibaba Executive under Micky Mouse
This is a reply to Msg 28562
Posted by Markess Prosper on May 12 2011 at 3:31 AM

Messages in this topic

Thank you for displaying publicly your assassin expertise and credentials. So you intend to use those transferable banditry skills you leaned at the School of Las America [ La escuelita] under the Duvalier regime of terror to attempt to use them with > >
Markess Prosper, 11-May-11 3:41 pm
Markess,get out of the kitchen while you can. You've just mentioned,"we the people".Did or do you think Aristide, Preval represent the people? or, are the people? :) the people are within the void? You most be a dunce mother fucker to think yo > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 11-May-11 10:01 pm
The only airplane you ever be or will be is to be under Michel desk on his cockpit while Michel is busy teaching Klintonris how to play Monica's harmonica while Monica is on his Saxophone playing oulala in C bemol.This will happening after May 14th > >
Markess Prosper, 12-May-11 3:31 am
:) Markess,a cockpit of a f35's also called lighting 2 are too small to fit two men inside,can carry only one man and no room between my legs for you to gives me a blow job,also the bulkhead takes most of the space,just enough room for my legs to ac > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 12-May-11 9:33 am