Tiba, you are right on the point, it was seen like that me...

Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr. says...

Tiba, you are right on the point, it was seen like that me until you have pin pointed out. This is an other way to criple the system by obliging the Diaspora to become corrup and infiltrate in their dirty tricks.

President Martelly should work out a plan with these tribes law makers to make a really change that will anticipate the freedom of the Diaspora to bring change to Haiti.


The topic is: The Dumbest and the most Idiotic Ruling/Vote of the Century!
This is a reply to Msg 28559
Posted by Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr. on May 11 2011 at 8:24 PM

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Tiba, you are right on the point, it was seen like that me until you have pin pointed out. This is an other way to criple the system by obliging the Diaspora to become corrup and infiltrate in their dirty tricks. President Martelly should work ou > >
Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr., 11-May-11 8:24 pm
Why are so mad Tiba? Are you Michel Martelly with a USA paspo? > >
Tete Kale Bobis, 11-May-11 10:02 pm
Tiba,no need to panic,let's just play dead like a possum in action until the new Prez have one eye open. Shalom > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 11-May-11 10:17 pm
Where are you Peter. I just heard that they are looking for another escapee from the Bronx zoo. Se battery federal- > >
Moringlad Tet Boiske, 11-May-11 10:24 pm
Tete Kale Bobis, Why shouldn't I be mad? Don't you think that I have full right to be mad? And when you asked if I am a Martelly with a USA passport, should I take that question as an insult or what? Should I be insulted? I know you meant it > >
Tiba, 12-May-11 6:02 am
Tiba is a dangerous man. We told you that this Tiba is a fake, a fraud and a phony "Haitian" that has a motto like the other opportunists " La patrie c'est la ou on l'on mange." People like that have a basic inherent compromise allegiance prob > >
Concerned P. Haitian, 12-May-11 9:38 am
Good job Tiba, Many ofthese meniacs are afraid of the truth and will do all to stop anyone wiht the gut to spread it out. For the past two hundreds years the same repeatable idioms and Haiti is so far back the train; they don't even notice that. > >
Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr., 12-May-11 9:49 am
Tet Kale Bobis,while you are have USA chikens wings in your throat(gagan'wou), your weekly salary in your pokets to feed your family and bitches or boy friends around,while if you don't have a job to go too,your belly will always can get fat like > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 12-May-11 10:18 am
Tete Kale Bobis, how does your comment to Tiba help Haiti? Show me how it helps in anyway, even just a tiny bit? > >
Linda, 12-May-11 12:35 pm
Concern Haitian, if you were really concern about Haiti you would not waist so much time with nasty, pointless attacks on people. How about you try and act like an intelligent person and bring points worth discussing to this site. I don't always agr > >
Linda, 12-May-11 12:41 pm
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