Linda Cubana you have missed the point. We are not targeting...

Grenadier A L Aussault says...

Linda Cubana you have missed the point.

We are not targeting Martelly per se. We simply said that he is a puppet, a poupe toile tailored by the Americans so they could make him sign deals to give part of our territory to the American for 100 years like they did for Guantanamo in Cuba; to allow American companies to take over our mineral in return for next to nothing.

Sweet mickey is not even vice president yet he is talking about taxing the poor Haitians 5 cents per minutes for phone calls.

This is a kick back to the phone company that financed his candidacy.

It is the same cell phone company that have a lot of problem in Senegal because it is trying to ripping off the people there tete kale.
Right now it is Bill Clinton and Bourik Charge that are running the show in Haiti.

They gave threatens order to Preval to remove Celestin and to put Martelly; If Martelly blink when they will give him orders, they will send the DEA jeweler after him with gold bracelets as unpleasant present as they did with Manuel Noriega in Panama.

They will make this vice president signing all kind of advantageous deals to the Americans from left to right.

None of those unfair, imperialist deals will be in the interest of Haiti.

Mark my words.

Qui vivra vera.
Vive Haiti, Abas les Amerequins.

The topic is: The order of thing in Haiti in April 2011.
This is a reply to Msg 28531
Posted by Grenadier A L Aussault on May 11 2011 at 1:32 AM

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Linda Cubana you have missed the point. We are not targeting Martelly per se. We simply said that he is a puppet, a poupe toile tailored by the Americans so they could make him sign deals to give part of our territory to the American for 100 years li > >
Grenadier A L Aussault, 11-May-11 1:32 am
See, this is why no one can take you seriously. You just called me a Cubana. Those who actually know basic facts about me know that I'm no such a thing. It is sad how you just proved to everyone that you make up all sorts of things. You make up stuf > >
Linda, 11-May-11 8:31 am
LE Citoyen AmericainSweet MIcky peut-il etre intronise comme President de la Republique d'Haiti? OuiouNon? > >
Psychologue Henri-claude Saint-fleur, 11-May-11 9:56 am
No Linda with all due respect to you. I like the name Linda because it is a beautiful name. However, there is a Cuban song called Tres Cubana where the name of Linda Cubana is mentioned. It is one of the most beautiful songs in the Cuban music and it > >
Grenadier A L Aussault, 11-May-11 2:57 pm
Linda, Why wasting your time and energy trying to rationalize with an individual that is unable to think rationally and who is way beyond of reality. Linda can you see this guy is hallucinating. These individuals hear voices telling them all kind > >
Tiba, 11-May-11 3:15 pm
Hey little sisi Tiba do you have your pink suit and talon ki kit to go to the inauguration of your boyfriend Micky on Saturday May 14th 2011. BTW Jimmy the guy who you used to sell crack for is still in Jail doing three life sentences. Mark your body > >
Det. Smith, 11-May-11 3:51 pm
We don't know that Tiba was a member in good standing in the bend over Society. Those shameful people need brain surgery because Psychiatry will not help much. > >
Lamercie Dieusibon, 11-May-11 6:27 pm
This was an interesting rant about Cuba, but what does it have to do with anything that was being discussed about Haiti and its current president. Your tangent is again a sign that it is difficult for you to stay on the facts in question. > >
Linda, 12-May-11 12:03 pm
haiti need a strong leader not a [restavek]some body who can say yes when he can say yes no when he can say no we need to look at the haitian history to see who have been helping us when we where fighting the french during the slave revolution our ha > >
Egnaud Bocicot, 13-May-11 9:22 am
Pastor Rivel Dumaine,Toulimen Legrand,Tiba,Richelle,Linda,Elsie,and to all bloggers that have concern regarding our home land Haiti Cherie. Shalom Tabernacle de gloire will start a powerful prayer at 6:00 PM at ChampsdeMars,the national palace.You a > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 13-May-11 10:55 am
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