That is good news and I welcome such a move. However, the idea...
Toulimen Legrand says...
That is good news and I welcome such a move. However, the idea of renouncing to any foreign citizenship before running for an electoral position in Haiti sucks.
Those morons in Haiti still want to keep us out of Haiti with their dual citizenship law. Listen, Benjamin Netanyahu is an American Jew and he is the prime minister of Israel and he never renounces to his American nationality.
Does he serve the interests of Israel well?
Yes. Michaelle Jean was still Haitian while she was the Governor of Canada.
Did she defend Canada's interests well?
Yes. Just to give a you a few examples.
Who told those morons that we should renounce to any foreign citizenship before running for an electoral post in Haiti.
They know Haiti cannot be better off without our help. They can be sorry if they still want to continue to mess with us. Take care!
The topic is: Pas De Renonciation De Nationalites, Pas D'Eligibilite Aux Postes Electifs
This is a reply to Msg 28528
Posted by Toulimen Legrand on May 10 2011 at 5:45 PM